The Catholic Council opposes the change of charter, rejects the dictatorship


The Lay Council of the Philippines rejects "any attempt to bring back the dictatorship" and calls for vigils of prayer the day President Rodrigo Duterte delivers his third speech on the state of the nation

8: 00 AM, July 14, 2018

Last updated 08:18, 14 July 2018

  CHANGE OF CHARTER. President Rodrigo Duterte pushes for a change of charter to move the Philippines to federalism. Photo of the Malacañang file

CHANGING THE CHARTER. President Rodrigo Duterte pushes for a change of charter to move the Philippines to federalism. Photo of the Malacañang file

MANILA, Philippines – The Council of the Laity of the Philippines opposed the amendment of the 1987 Constitution under the chairmanship of President Rodrigo Duterte, also rejecting the attempts to reimpose the dictatorship in the country.

also known as Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas (Laiko), is the executive body of the Episcopal Commission on the Laity of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of the Philippines (CBCP).

The spiritual director of Laiko is Bishop Broderick Pabillo, Auxiliary Bishop of Manila, one of the most outspoken bishops against abuses under the administration Duterte

"The Sangguniang Laiko and Pilipinas (Laiko) believes that the 1987 Constitution is based on reverence Therefore, in union with all freedom-loving Filipinos and defenders of the truth, we strongly oppose the change of the charter, "said the council in a statement signed Thursday, July 12 by the president of Laiko, Julieta Wasan. "We do not believe in the proposal to adopt a federal government that would apparently ensure a more equitable distribution of resources between regions, greater participation in the political process and a better life for all, while giving broad powers to President Duterte between 2019-2022, and impose more taxes on people to support new structures and officials, "Laiko said.

Laiko issued this statement that the discussions on the charter change heat. On July 9, Duterte received the draft Federal Constitution by the Advisory Committee (Con-Com), and declared that he would approve the draft in Congress, with the exception of a few revisions.

The draft constitution raised concerns that Duterte would serve as president until 2030, well beyond his six-year term ending in 2022, but Duterte claimed he wanted to be president only until 39, in 2019.

Laiko then urged "all freedom-loving Christians" to "reject any attempt to bring back the dictatorship, the indeterminate extension of the mandates of elected officials and the postponement of national and local elections ".

Laiko also calls for "prayer vigils in our dioceses, parishes and communities, parishes on July 23 – the day President Duterte delivers his speech on the state of the nation." –

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