The Ford GT application process reopens for the 2019 model year


Aurick Go / Ford | July 19, 2018 09:42

The budding owners have a second chance to own the all-new Ford GT

With Ford's coveted halo car in production, it's safe to say that the 500 people selected from their first batch of applications have been approved for a long time. And while there are still thousands of candidates aspiring to own a Ford GT, there did not seem to be more hope of getting the limited race supercar – until now.

In addition to accepting 250 other candidates from the first batch, Ford says that they are reopening another batch of applications for another 250 units for 2019. While the hopes that have been postulated before can try again to ask for a chance to spend $ 450,000 for the GT, this new application window will be geared primarily to new candidates who can possibly represent Ford by wearing their prized halo car

 The Ford GT application process reopens for model year 2019

Another interesting twist for those who will be approved for the 2019 MY Ford Ford will be the choice to opt for the 2019 Heritage Edition GT. The original edition of the GTs from previous years bears the scheme and colors of the victorious Le Mans cars from 1966. The Heritage Edition 2017 was black to honor the # 2 car driven by Ken Miles and Denny Hulme at the 1966 24 Hours of Le Mans, while the 2018 version is red to commemorate the 1967 victory in the first car driven by AJ Foyt and Dan Gurney. That said, we can only assume that the 2019 version will come in the Gulf Orange / Light Blue livery that won Le Mans in 1968.

With Ford once again accept more candidates for the GT, will there be Is there a chance that we will make our way to our shores?

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