The leader of the gang Trinitario in the murder of Lesandro Guzman-Feliz is arrested


The high-ranking gang member accused of ordering a botched blow to an innocent Bronx teenager and another man linked to his murder were transported to a Bronx courthouse on Wednesday. "These two defendants are the last individuals who were arrested and charged in connection with a death in that county on June 20 of this year," said prosecutor Christine Scaccia of defendants Diego Suero, 29, and Gabriel Ramirez Concepcion, 26.

"There are several accused who have already been"

The ADA did not give any details about the role played by members of the Trinitarios gang for dragging Lesandro "Junior" Guzman-Feliz from 15 years in a bodega and having slaughtered in the street with knives and machetes.

Police sources said that Suero ordered thugs to commit murder but that his henchman was mistakenly targeting the wrong boy.

Suero, wearing a brown polo, looked selfless, while Concepcion wore a Judge Shari Michels appeared before Judge Shari Michels on impeachment in Criminal Court Bro

Their lawyer, Michael Hughes, pleaded not guilty on their behalf of murder, gang assault and other beating.

Eight men are already detained for being killed on camera June 20

In a film that shocked the city, the terrified teenager was dragged by Cruz and Chiky. Grocery in Tremont and shot in the street by a gang of at least six vicious thugs.

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