The movie guide of a shy cat to survive Halloween


Of course, Halloween is fun. You can get dressed, have candy, party. But you know what is not fun? You can not sleep with the lights off and you look from time to time over your shoulders because you have just seen a scary AF movie and you can no longer get rid of the terrifying figure of the monster or ghoul. Ok, I admit it. I am a shy cat. Have always been. I mean it's because I have a pretty crazy imagination. When I was young, I always had nightmares, especially if I had just seen or heard a scary story. I know that some people like to be afraid of their seat. But, huh. This is not me. When I was younger, I wanted to prove that I could stand it to torture myself by watching these movies. But not anymore. I prefer not to stress myself voluntarily for a movie, thank you very much. If you are a scared cat like me (acceptance is the key) and that Halloween becomes a pain because you are forced to watch every horror movie, as it is the custom, you must stop. Why not watch these movies instead? They always embody the spirit of Halloween – without the fear.

ghost hunters

A team of scientists decides to wage a high tech battle against the supernatural to get money after their academic careers have run out of steam. It's a comic movie about "nerds" that end up saving the world – and it stars Bill Murray (Personally, it's enough for me). If you have not seen it yet, you should do it. This one is a classic for a reason.

The show of rock horror images

Favorite worship is a young couple who accidentally falls on the house of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a transvestite scientist. On the way, they meet a host of wild characters, including a rocking biker and a scary butler, then creating the mad scientist: a muscular man named "Rocky." Oh, there are also elaborate costumes as well figures-now, that's how you would like to spend your Halloween.

Hocus Pocus

Another cult favorite, which contains all the ingredients of a classic movie for Halloween: coven of evil witches, magic cat, children who save the day after exploring an abandoned house (and accidentally released witches). This fantastic horror comedy film was directed by Kenny Ortega, the same man who directed Musical High School movies, which is why Disney kids are so close to my heart.

Shaun of the Dead

Thought Zombielandbut British. And instead of Columbus, you have Shaun, a "loser" in his 30s who had a rather boring life. He gets the most extraordinary action of his life when an apocalypse of zombies occurs inexplicably and that he intervenes to protect both his girlfriend and his mother. Do not worry, this movie will make you double laugh, no fear.


Tim Burton is the man of Halloween movies. If you liked classics like A nightmare before Christmas and Corpse Brideyou will love it. This 3D stop-motion animation film tells the story of an intelligent and introverted boy who used science to revive his dog. Things go wrong when his classmates copy his successful experience. This fantasy, this horror will make you laugh and cry, and it's perfect to watch with your family.

Art by Marian Hukom

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