The Polish puzzler Andrzej Bargiel climbed and skied K2


K2 is not the largest mountain in the world; it's only the second highest. But in terms of technical difficulty, it is often considered the most difficult to climb. So it was an achievement when Andrzej Bargiel, the Polish puzzle, went to the top Saturday – and complete madness when he became the first man in history to climb the slope.

Bargiel sent an update on his Facebook page early Sunday morning confirming that he had been skiing from the mountain top of 28,151 feet to base camp at an altitude of about 23,000 feet. Red Bull, one of its main sponsors on the trek, confirmed the story a few hours later. The time and conditions of betrayal prevented him from making a direct shot from the top of the mountain to his tent, but overall, things went rather well, according to the young Pole:

I I am very happy that I managed to ski at the top of K2 and get back to base safely! I started climbing K2 at 4 am Sunday. The weather was good. Some problems appeared when I reached the top and I started skiing down. The weather was very cloudy and I had to wait for it to calm down at base IV because the next stage of my descent was going to be very difficult and technical on an extremely steep wall. I feel a great happiness and, to be honest, it was my second attempt, so I'm happy to stay here again.

Bargiel posted a brief excerpt of his descent on his Facebook page after returning to the cell range of the phone. It's … annoying.

K2 ski challenge ep.2

K2 ski challenge epizod drugi I kilka strzałów drona z naszych ostatnich akcji górskich. Słońce, śnieg i szybkie skręty na stromych ścianach K2.

K2 Ski Challenge episode two and a few drone hits from our last ski trek. Sun, snow and fast turns on the steep slopes of K2.

# k2skichallenge #suntleones #timetoplay #piatkadlatomka #hogoodfood

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Ujęcia / Footage: Bartek Bargiel

Posted by Andrzej Bargiel on Monday, July 10, 2017

The daredevil is now one of the less than 350 people to climb the deadly mountain and only the 13th Polish citizen to the make. This year's trip marked his second attempt at climbing the second highest mountain in the world; his 2017 effort was reduced after the weather made it too dangerous to continue, postponing his dream of humanity's craziest ski trip for a full year.

Surprisingly, this is not the first time that he's descending a monster of 8,000 meters; In 2015, he climbed from the 8,015 meter Broad Peak to base camp on a pair of downhill skis. After Sunday's announcement, it is now skied to the peaks of five of the 14 highest mountains in the world.

While Bargiel is left with the credit, he was pushed by an experienced team of local crew members and sherpas who risked their lives. One of the highest mortality rates for climbers in the world – to help it achieve its very specific goal.

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