Tips for Teaching Children Healthy Eating Habits to Prevent Obesity


Today, about one in five children aged 6 to 19 is obese, and this figure does not include children who are only considered overweight and not obese

. help to establish healthy eating habits in childhood. (AFP Relaxnews Peak)

According to Dr. Alka Sood, a family physician with Penn State Health Medical Group – Park Avenue at State College, children with obesity can cope with many social and health problems while growing up. with obesity are more likely than their classmates to be teased or intimidated and suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation and depression, "Sood said. "They are at higher risk for other chronic health conditions, including asthma, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, and type 2 diabetes, and are more likely to have

Therefore, reducing the risk of childhood obesity is an important issue to improve the health and happiness of the child. Here, Dr. Sood and Kara Shifler Bowers, Registered Dietitian and Project Leader for the Penn State Wellness PRO Center, offer expert advice on how parents can help their kids adopt healthy habits early on


Bowers advises parents to go ahead and make small changes around the house instead of directly discussing weight and health with the baby. child

. "Instead, implement an easy change like keeping a bowl of fruit available.A change at a time is more sustainable than a complete overhaul of the lifestyle."

Helping Children to make healthy food choices

Consumers control 72% of what families eat good habits for children Avoid buying unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks, and if you do keep them out of the sight of children, try to keep these foods for parties and celebrations.

Make healthy foods available to you

If children have easy access to healthy foods, they will be more likely to eat them Keep healthy snacks in the kitchen, such as low-sugar Greek yogurt, nut butter, whole grains like plain popcorn and dips like hummus. Have a large, attractive bowl of fruit available for easy access and try chopping the vegetables and leaving them in the fridge so that they are ready to eat.

Involve Children

Allow children to participate in meal planning. Teach them the food that they eat, let them choose the fruits and vegetables for the side dishes and let them participate in cooking and cooking food so that they can enjoy of preparation and help them to adopt a healthy attitude.

Family Dinner

Recent studies have shown that sitting together to eat as much meals as possible, away from television, can help reduce childhood obesity . Not only does this give time together as a family, but parents can use it as an opportunity to make healthy and nutritious food choices, making it more likely that children will make similar choices.

Be Patient

Bowers also advises to be patient because everyone in the family is gradually learning to make better food choices.

"Do not underestimate the power of small changes that progress over time. All it takes is a step to start the process. "

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