Tony Blair calls for second vote to settle Brexit "mess" Manila Bulletin News



By Agence France-Presse

"It's a total and complete mess": The former Prime Minister Tony Blair does not hold back when asked in an interview Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says it's time for Theresa May to admit "there's no way out" and call another Brexit referendum (AFP / MANILA BULLETIN) "width =" 768 "height =" 511 "/>

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says it's time for Theresa May of the day. to admit "that there is no" and calls another referendum on Brexit (AFP / MANILA BULLETIN)

Blair, who held the post for 10 years, said that he sympathizes with Prime Minister Theresa May as she seeks to unite her party behind a plan to leave the European Union, suggesting that she has "the least enviable job in Western politics" . "

But the former Labor leader has warned that the planned date for Brexit is approaching in March next year, it's time for her to admit "there is no" # 39; issue "call another referee ndum – with the possibility of staying in the EU.

"Once this initiative has been launched by a referendum, it can only be crossed by a new vote," he said

. subsequent years abroad, including as an international envoy to the Middle East.

But these days he is more often found in London, where he is plunged back into British politics.

"I am passionately opposed to Brexit and I still believe that it can be changed," AFP told AFP in the offices of its nonprofit organization, the company said. Institute for Global Change.

After two years of quarrels with his conservative party, May finally presented his plan this month for economic ties with the EU after Brexit, sparking outrage among party extremists for having too much given to the EU.

May's plan is & # 39; mush & # 39;

it was a "porridge", an "incomplete mid-way plan" He noted the inherent dilemma of Brexit – staying close to the EU to protect trade, but give up the opportunities to go it alone, or sever links altogether

Parliament being "paralyzed" on the path to the future, "the only way, in the end, to solve this problem is to turn it over to people, "he said.

Blair's interventions on Brexit have not always been well received in Britain, where his decision to join the United States by invading Iraq in 2003 remains highly controversial.

But while the Prime Minister who called the Brexit vote in 2016, David Cameron, retired To write his memoirs, Blair refuses to remain silent.

Some have suggested that Blair would play a role in Brexit by not restricting the migration of the new EU Member States from central and eastern Europe in 2004, resulting in a huge influx of migrants. the workers who sparkle He rejected the idea of ​​"ridiculously outclassed", insisting that non-EU migration was a voting factor for Brexit – while acknowledging that he had remained in power more for a long time, he could have tried to "tighten things up".

The risk of populism

The European Union itself is currently divided on how to handle irregular migration and asylum seekers, divisions referred to as " very dangerous ". The blasphemy of the left and right is, you know, (risk) breaking the back of Western politics, "he said.

He admits that" the center of politics is rather absent in this moment "He could help form a new centrist party in Britain.

His own Labor Party has gone to the political left since he was in charge and although many of his deputies are pro-European, its socialist leader Jeremy Corbyn is more skeptical.

Labor backs Brexit but has called for a new customs union with the EU, and have refused to rule out a second vote.

Blair said that despite all his hopes of stopping the Brexit, it depended on "if at the top of the Labor Party, the leader, the people around the leader, still want the Brexit to pass".

But he said that he hoped it would "come back to feel," adding that in the meantime, he would be pressuring his case.

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