Total lunar eclipse: How to watch the blood moon of Friday live online


Much of the Earth is preparing for a special astronomical treatment on Friday night: the longest total lunar eclipse (also known as the blood moon) in a century.

That night, our planet will slide in front of the sun to project a red-orange shadow on the full moon. From the moon, the Earth would seem to be surrounded by a 25,000 mile ring of fire.

A map of locations where the total lunar eclipse of 27 and 28 July 2018 will be visible
Fred Espenak / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Unfortunately, a much of the planet will not witness this astronomical spectacle first-hand. The moon will be under the horizon and completely out of sight in the United States, Canada, Mexico and other countries of North America during the eclipse. (Cloudy weather could also block a clear view of the night sky for those in areas where the eclipse is visible.)

Thus, the magic of high-power cameras, lenses or telescopes and the 39 Internet – Anyone with a decent Internet connection can watch the blood moon from their phone or computer.

Below we have listed a number of ways to watch the lunar eclipse live using online video feeds. Some you can even play without leaving this page.

What to look for and when

To fully enjoy a blood moon, whether in person or online, it helps to understand the sequence of events, their timing and their effects.

The official start of the lunar eclipse is just before 1:15 pm. EDT (5:15 pm UTC) on Friday, July 27th. It is at this moment that the moon touches the shadow or half-light of the Earth. It could seem that the moon is taken.

A diagram of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun during a total lunar eclipse or "blood moon".

Shayanne Gal / Business Information

The penumbral shadow will grow and deepen until about 2:24 pm. EDT (18:24 UT). At this point, the moon will begin to turn orange red as it enters the shadow or central shadow of the Earth.

Around 3.30 pm. EDT (7:30 pm UTC), the moon should look completely colorful and in "totality", or totally inside the shadow of our planet.

© / alexeys on

The maximum or maximum eclipse – when the moon is closest to the center of the shadow – will arrive just before 16h22. EDT (20:22 UT). The moon will be at its darkest at this time.

From there, these phases will run upside down, the whole ending 1 hour 42 minutes and 57 seconds after the start, at 17:13. EDT (21:13 UT). It is the longest total lunar eclipse up to June 9, 2123.

Finally, at 18:19. EDT (22:19 UT), the moon will come out of the shadow; before 7:28 pm EDT (23:28 UT), all the event will be over. After that, our lunar companion will be completely outside the Earth's shadow and will look like a typical full moon.

Here's how to watch it all live:

1. Slooh

Slooh, a company that broadcasts live views of space, plans to broadcast telescope views of the entire lunar eclipse from beginning to end. Their YouTube feed should be broadcast at 1:00 pm EDT (5:00 pm UTC), 15 minutes before the start of the event.

During their show, which will also be broadcast on Facebook Live, astronomers will probably comment on the history and science of total lunar eclipses.

As Slooh explained in an email to Business Insider, the eclipse will occur when the moon is farthest from Earth and will appear at its smallest, thus taking longer to traverse the world. Shadow of the Earth.


Another way to watch most of the lunar eclipse will be Time and Date which will begin live coverage at 14:00. EDT (6:00 pm GMT).

The website also contains useful interactive maps of the event.

3. The Virtual Telescope Project

The Virtual Telescope Project, which published some of the first astronomical images of the Elon Musk car flying to the orbit of Mars, will have its cameras dragged onto the moon during the Lunar eclipse. The webcast should begin at 14:30. EDT (6:30 pm GMT).

"Our live coverage will be from a unique place, the Roman Forum on Palatine Hill, from which the moon eclipsed and the red planet will show just above the legendary Colosseum and the 39th. Arch of Constantine ", astronomer Gianluca Masi, who runs the site from Europe, told Business Insider in an e-mail. "So, both the sky and the landscape will amaze people around the world through our streaming, because we will share it all with them."

4. The Weather Channel

This store has an application that will broadcast live eclipse from 4pm. And, "including the best views of the lunar eclipse of the field teams in several countries, such as Greece, Luxembourg, Italy and Australia," said a representative to Business Insider in an email.

You have to download the application of The Weather Channel to watch their images, which should last about an hour.

Note, however, that only people watching from the United States (or perhaps via an American Internet Service Provider) will see this webcast of the Bloody Moon.

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