Tourist arrivals in the first half reached a record 3.7 million – DoT


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The Ministry of Tourism (DoT) said that visitor arrivals in the six months to June reached a record of 3,706,721, up from 10.4 Closing Boracay at the end of April for an environmental cleanup, the DoT added that its goal of 7.4 million arrivals for the year was underway.

The DoT cited data provided by its Division of Statistics, Economic Analysis and Information Management.

In June, arrivals rose to 528,747, up 11.35% from the previous year. "DoT's ongoing marketing promotions, aggressive actions to create new air routes and develop new tourism products, facilitation of travel, and trust in tourism investments have boosted the industry and resulted in this excellent performance . " 19659004] With regard to the annual target, "we are on the right track, we are halfway through the year and we are exactly halfway to our goals of entry into the National Plan for Tourism Development. "

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