True Catholics Must Take Uncompromising Position


That Duterte is a demon disguised as a human being, who brings out the worst in people leading to the ruin of their soul, is a subject of discussion among Catholics. That he seems to be insane and cursed with an uncontrollable and lacerated mouth, which breeds fear, anger and opposition, is also much discussed.

The evil spirit is expressed using Duterte's mouth to vomit abominations, curses, and mockery against God. No amount of distortion, dissimulation, denial, and alteration by his apologists and propagandists can change what Duterte meant against God and Catholics. He will not apologize for his statements because he can not. He is unable to control his mouth to hide dark secrets because he is cursed to reveal his covenant with the devil. This is out of his control.

God so loves the Filipino people that at this very important moment in history, he exposes Duterte and allows them to see the whole reality of the devil's existence. By exposing Duterte's connection to Satan – the enemy of Jesus Christ and their enemy who craves and lusts the possession of souls – God gives all men and women the opportunity to save their souls. In praying to our Lord Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother, who has been appointed from the beginning of time to destroy and crush the head of Satan, those who persevere in their faithfulness to God will carry it.

INSPIRATION FILE / Ariel Endaya [19659005] Satan succeeds when he is able to convince men and women that it is not a reality and that he does not exist. He smiles when people think of him as a mere joke and fictional subject of their imagination.

The existence of the devil is a fact. Jesus Christ himself and the sincere Catholics affirm his reality. Jesus was tempted three times in the desert by Satan and thrice rejected him. In his Masses and speeches, Pope Francis tells us that the devil is a reality, "a personal being who assails us".

He adds: "We should not consider the devil as a myth, a representation, a symbol, a figure of speech or an idea. This error would let us fall into oblivion and become more vulnerable. "We must always be aware of his enmity and his hatred towards God and us."

The murders of more than 21,000 people under Duterte a manifestation of demonic activity. they would still be alive if Duterte had not been president.The legal principle res ipsa loquitor applies clearly here, which means "The thing speaks for itself". [19659002] Duterte's popularity rating is 56% among Filipino zombies, despite the thousands of murderers.He lies spitting the grave danger it poses to millions of Filipino souls. Identify as Catholics, when their thoughts, words and deeds betray and show that they are not, should be alerted to the very real danger of losing their souls, they cooperate with the Devil when they give their seal of approval to serial murders of e Duterte, his constant lies and dirty mouth and when they applaud his demonic policies with their smiles.

Only Satan himself and his demons launch all kinds of profanations, insults, and mockery against God. People who express their approval or who remain silent about the thousands of extrajudicial executions and constant lies of Duterte, or who express their feelings in the polls or in private, side with the Demon and against God.

To be a truly genuinely Catholic true God above all, to obey his commandment to love one's neighbor and to show respect for human life, is irreconcilable with the support of serial murders of Duterte and his policies misleading. His hateful insults and mockery of God are not reconcilable to the love and honor we rightly give to our Lord.

We can not have both. You choose either Duterte and be on the side of the Devil, or you choose to be sincerely on the side of God, committed to what is true and good, showing love to our fellow men and helping and protecting them. when you need it. God will judge us according to the free choices we have made. Good and evil are irreconcilable realities. Love is not the same as hate. In the end, the goats will be separated from the sheep. God can not be a brother of Satan. Division is inevitable.

God gives a choice to Catholics. Choose God, choose Jesus Christ, or choose the devil and lose your souls. This very serious matter involves a choice and we can not avoid it. Ignoring it is a decision for the Devil.

As Catholics sincerely seeking to love God and His fellowmen, the war we are in is between good and evil. It is not politics because good and bad are found in all political parties. From our Lord Jesus Christ Himself:

"For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the leaders of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Deception, use of violence, fear, money and power to attract people, Duterte now controls the majority in Congress, the Supreme Court and people at different levels of executive power. He controls the police and the army who are doing the killings for him.

Look at the quality of the characters in those in government and the private sector who have allied with Duterte and clearly see their intellectual and moral dishonesty. You can immediately feel that they are not on the side of God, no matter how much they claim to be. They are not there for the people or for God but for themselves. They are not even there for Duterte's sake but for the benefits they can get from him and because of the fear. They defend Duterte and cover his lies. They will be the first to give up when it will be no longer useful.

Plains these poor creatures who exchange worldly illusions of power, money, security for their souls. Everything will be nothing when the life of someone on this planet is over. But if we remain faithful to God until the very end at the risk of our lives, the final victory is ours. We will be with God forever.

The illusion that is Duterte is nothing and his time is almost over. What really matters in the ultimate end is the salvation of our souls. Afraid of nothing. Fully trust the love and mercy of God.

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Fear is an effective weapon. To silence his critics and his opponents and keep them under his control, Duterte kills thousands of people, using police and military elements and those disguised as vigils. He advises his killers to plant guns at the victims to make them look like they are fighting back.

One area that Duterte finds difficult or even impossible to intimidate and silence is sincere Catholics and Christians bravely committed to the truth and justice of God. the risk of their safety and their lives. He now seeks to silence them by using the same methods of murder, harassment and intimidation. Expect more priests and committed Catholics to be killed and harassed to try to silence them. Many people will face martyrdom.

Recently, he personally targeted the deportation of a frail 71-year-old missionary who has been working with poor farmers in the Philippines for 28 years now. He fears this kind of people even if they are frail and elderly because they are willing to expose his demonic alliance without fear. He has ordered his arrest and deportation, but his lawyers are doing everything they can to assert his rights to due process. That the Bureau of Immigration renews or cancels its missionary license in September is uncertain. She has done nothing in violation of her constitutional rights to freedom of speech. The widespread national and international protests aimed at preventing his deportation delayed his deportation pending his hearing in court.

Richard Nilo, Father Mark Anthony Ventura, and Father Marcelito Paez. These three priests who have been assassinated and murdered since Duterte was in power have one thing in common: they are all virulent critics of Duterte.

Duterte openly waged war against Catholics and our God. He has openly mocked and insulted God the stupid caller, cursing him with "putanginas" and saying that the Catholic God will kneel before him. He refers to the apostles of Jesus Christ, who were sitting with him in the last supper and who died as martyrs, as fictitious saints. He initiated this war against the Catholic Church whose founder is Jesus Christ. The result is predictable: Satan and Duterte will lose. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Catholic Church.

Duterte says that his god is superior to the Catholic god. He does not reveal who he considers his god. But he can not hide his hatred for the Catholic God, who reveals that his other god can only be Satan. Before becoming president in 2016, Duterte has already exposed demonic demonstrations and proclaimed, "God will cry if I become president."

Duterte sparked many emotional reactions and anger among the Catholics whom he cursed and their God whom he insulted and mocked. Many are naturally inclined to fight fire with fire. They know that thousands of people will continue to be murdered and that killing in the Philippines has become the norm. These are very unusual moments. Many express their frustrations to their Catholic bishops because of their peaceful, non-violent Christian approach to Duterte. In many gatherings, many sincerely wish that he be killed or murdered.

But hating others does not conform to Catholic principles. The Catholic religion is to love and forgive others constantly. We are all sinners even if, in good faith, we do our best to be holy. I must go on the basis of my faith and live and love accordingly.

Of course, everyone has a legitimate right to self-defense, and the memory and lessons of the more than ten million Jews, gypsies and homosexuals defenseless shot down by the Gestapo. Hitler, the SS, the army, the police and other units are still anchored in the minds of many. Only about 80,000 Nazis were arrested and sentenced after the Second World War for participating in the mass killings. More escaped

Like Hitler, Duterte will never miss killers. Many of them will easily kill for him in exchange for money, power and privileges. Some even identify themselves as Catholics. In reality, they are not. Many go to church simply because of superstition, thinking that they will suffer bad luck if they do not go.

Nominal Catholics who express their support for Duterte and his extrajudicial murders and lies are no different from those of the 90% of German Catholics and Christians who supported Hitler, who was very popular. Popularity in these situations means nothing. It does not make moral what is immoral. But Duterte's 56% popularity rating speaks volumes about Filipino Catholics who openly express their support for it. They are not faithful to their faith and face the very real danger of losing their souls. God is not a fascist or a Nazi. It is certainly not a Duterte. For if he was, as soon as Duterte even thought of insulting him or making fun of him, he would be dead.

God controls. He has a reason for everything, including the use of demons and evil people for higher purposes. This includes allowing Duterte to be president where all Filipinos are put to the test – choose God or be with Satan and Duterte. Iglesia nor Duterte is a very real choice for some who will choose their religion over God, in fact, on any matter. The money, power and security on this earth fuel their loyalty to Duterte. Very sad

In true humility, many Catholics know that even with the best of intentions, as human beings, we are prone to sin. But our commitment in good faith to try to be truly good, loving and forgiving human beings must always be there and so that we are humble and have full confidence in the love and mercy of God.

The Catholic Church provides 50% of social services: health care, housing, medical services, education and assistance to the elderly. It will continue to provide for these needs.

After attacking God, Catholics and the Catholic Church, Duterte appointed three of his representatives to facilitate things with the leadership of the Catholic clergy. The Catholic Church must use all its resources to protect the innocent victims of all faith from the threats of violence and coercive measures, especially the defenseless poor among whom thousands are slaughtered.

Note: Ted Laguatan is a San Francisco Bay Area human rights lawyer and also the only Fil-Am attorney officially certified by the California State Bar as the only lawyer in the world. expert in immigration law for 28 years. Email [email protected] Tel 650 6348668

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