Trump goes to Putin, leaving the United Kingdom in shock | American News


Donald Trump traveled to Finland on Sunday after a visit to the United Kingdom that saw him lurking in his red carpet and leaving the diplomatic protocol a little ragged in its wake.

After starting the Scottish drizzle for a final round at his turnberry golf course, the US president boarded Air Force One for Helsinki and a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Reflecting on his journey, an indisputable tea was with the Queen, told Trump at ITV's Good Morning Britain welcomes Piers Morgan. She was a "fantastic woman", and he thought of his mother, born in Hebrides, while he was receiving a ceremonial welcome at Windsor Castle on Friday

"I was walking, and I [to Melania, the first lady] "Can you imagine my mother seeing this scene?" Windsor, Windsor Castle, and he's handsome, he was really handsome, but the Queen is great, "Trump said.

When asked when he had spoken about Brexit with the monarch, Trump said that she thought it was a very complex problem. Morgan wrote in the Mail on Sunday before the Monday broadcast . Pushed to reveal details, the president rose. "Well, I can not speak.You know, I've heard a lot of people, you do not talk about conversations with the queen, do not you?"

C & Was a diplomatic convention that he seemed ready to respect in another context.

Theresa May received a high-profile reception, protected from tens of thousands of protesters waving signs and Trump's airship balloon for babies

. flies over the seaside resort of Trump in Scotland – video

As a guest, she had given a banquet at Blenheim Palace, birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill, lunch at Checkers, and tea with Queen at Windsor. There were military busbys and sparkling brass, and the thoughtful, personal gift of an illustrious ancestral map of Trump's Scottish heritage.

As a guest, Trump had delivered an incendiary interview to the sun, published while coffee was being served at Blenheim. . He not only attacked Brexit's May strategy, intervened directly in domestic politics and threatened to block a trade deal with the United States, but he also criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan. .

This was not the best beginning of this non-state visit, similar to that of a state.

The TV and Twitter feeds are quickly filled with images of protesters marching in London, Manchester, Glasgow and Belfast, waving unflattering placards while the Orange Trump orange airship, with tan lines and a phone portable, hovering over Parliament Square. In contrast, Trump's press secretary tweeted a photo of the state man sitting him in Churchill's chair.

Meanwhile, on Checkers' lawn, far from the protesters chanting slogans, a defensive Trump was deploying his "false news" horn. The sun did not put in the good things that he said about May, he insisted during an uncomfortable press conference. Oh yes it was, retorted the newspaper.

The moment Trump's baby airship gets up – video

Trump apologized in May, he revealed, and she told him, "Do not worry, it's only the press." Standing next to him, exposed before the assembled media, the prime minister seems to be flinching. Then they went away, he seized her again by the hand to calm them while they walked.

On Friday night, Trump traveled to Scotland for "two days of meetings, calls and, hopefully, golf, exercise," he tweeted. And again, the protesters were out, with over 9,000 gathered in Edinburgh on Saturday while he was playing golf with his son Eric.

A paraglider sporting the Greenpeace logo passes the strict no-fly zone above Trump's golf course, trailing a banner: "Trump: well below the resistance" on the luxury hotel Turnberry as the US president arrived.The police confirmed Sunday morning that a 55-year-old man had been charged with the incident and he was scheduled to appear in court of Ayr Sheriff on Monday.

Other protesters took the direction of a hill, the heckling: "no Trump, no KKK, no racist US" He seemed not to be afraid, even beckoning to him, while he drove from hole to hole on his buggy surrounded by security.

"Some of them are protesting in my favor, you know, there are many, many protests in my favor," Morgan told Trump.

President Trump beckons to protesters while he plays golf in Scotland – video

Back in London, among the many issues raised by this flash visit, there was the nature of the advice on the Brexit Trump given to May, which he found "too brutal". The answer came on Sunday, as May was not firing any shots, revealing on the BBC's Andrew Marr show that the president had been urging her to "pursue the EU" rather than bargain with the block

leaving Prestwick Airport in Glasgow, the authorities hope that relations between the United Kingdom and the United States will be relatively spared. And it was a "special relationship" that Trump had emphasized. In fact, it was "the highest level of special"

This may not be his last visit. Asked by Morgan about his possible second term in 2020, the president replied, "Well, I have the intention to do it, it seems everyone wants it."

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