Tweeting Trump just hard? US increases Iranian pressure »Manila Bulletin News


Published on July 24, 2018, 8:18 AM

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump's Twitter Explosive Threat to Iranian Leader Comes as His Administration Steps Up Pressure Campaign on Islam republic that many suspect is aimed at regime change.

  COMBO - This combination of two images shows US President Donald Trump, left, July 22, 2018, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on February 6, 2018. In his latest salvo, Trump tweeted late Sunday, July 22 that the hostile threats from Iran could have disastrous consequences. It was after the Iranian President Rouhani said earlier in the day that

COMBO – This combination of two images shows US President Donald Trump, left, July 22, 2018, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani On February 6, 2018. In his latest salvo, Trump tweeted late Sunday, July 22, that hostile threats from Iran could have dire consequences. It was after the Iranian President Rouhani said earlier in the day that "the American must understand that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and that war with the Iran is the mother of all wars. Trump tweeted: "NEVER THREATENED THE UNITED STATES OR YOU HAVE CONSEQUENCES THAT HAVE ALWAYS SUFFERED SOME OF ALL HISTORY." (AP Photo / MANILA BULLETIN)

No one is planning an impending war. But Trump's belligerent challenge to President Hassan Rouhani followed a speech by State Secretary Mike Pompeo in which he accused Iran's leaders of massive corruption and widespread rights violations and urged Iranians to demonstrate in protest.

. and the speech landed less than two weeks before the administration began to impose new sanctions on Iran that had been lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal. Meanwhile , the United States is increasing awareness of Farsi to support Iranians who demonstrate against the policies of their government.

Trump's tweet does not seem to have been provoked by a noticeable change in Iran's rhetoric. 19659007] This could have been an impulsive reaction to Tehran's reports citing Rohani as giving the United States a frequently repeated reminder that the conflict with Iran would be "the mother of all wars". Yet, the animosity directed against the Iranian rulers is an established part of


Mohammad Javad Zarif, Monday: COLOR US UNIMPRESSED: The world has heard even harder bluster a few months ago. And the Iranians have heard them – even if they are more civilized – for 40 years. We have been around for millennia and saw the fall of empires, including ours, that lasted longer than the lives of some countries. BE CAREFUL! "

When questioned at the White House when he was afraid to provoke Iran, Trump simply said," None. "

Tehran is already aware of what comes from the administration as consequences of Trump's withdrawal in May of the 2015 nuclear agreement takes shape

As noted Pompeo in his speech in front of Americans of American-American descent and others in California Sunday, the centerpiece will be the reimposition of US economic sanctions; The first batch will come into effect on August 4, targeting the Iranian auto sector and the trade in gold and other metals.A larger set of sanctions that will hit the Iranian oil industry and the central bank by punishing the countries and companies that do business with them will resume the 4 November

"At this moment, the United States is conducting a campaign of diplomatic and financial pressure" Cut the funds that the regime uses to enrich and support death and destruction, "said Pompeo in his disco urs at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley

Pompeo also criticized Iran 's political, judicial and military leaders, accusing many of them of participating in rampant corruption and calling his religious leaders "evil". "Hypocritical holy men" who amassed riches while allowing their people to suffer. He said the government had "shamelessly repressed the human rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms of its people" and hailed "the proud Iranian people not keeping silent about the many abuses committed by his government "

Trump will not keep quiet either," he said.

He was right. True to form, Trump did not remain silent. But the White House blamed Rouhani for instigating the war of words with his comment that "America must understand that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with Iran is the mother of all wars. "

No more a country that will stand for your words dismissed from violence and death.

Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, acknowledged that Iran's terrorist activities in the Middle East pose a threat, but suggested that it would not be solved by a tweet from Trump.

"Unfortunately, after we withdrew from the nuclear deal with Europe and Iran, there does not seem to be any strategy for" And Senator Tim Kaine, former Democratic candidate for the presidential, described the Twitter explosion of the White House "as another sign that Trump is being wrong in the war against Iran." 19659007] The National Security Council Trump rejected:

"Our differences are with the actions of the Iranian regime and, in particular, with the actions of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, not the Iranian people. Iran's Trump administration policy seeks to respond to all of these threats and malicious activities and to bring about a change in the behavior of the Iranian regime. "

" If anything prompt, look no further than Iran's "secretary Sarah Sanders said." She added that Trump was "very clear about what" he said. it's not going to be allowed to take place. "

Trump routinely pulls heated tweets that seem to quickly escalate long-running arguments with nation leaders at odds with

In the case of North Korea, the verbal war quickly cooled and gradually led to high-level talks on the summit and denuclearization, yet there has been little tangible progress in a global campaign to rid North Korea of ​​its nuclear weapons program since the historic Trump-Kim Jong Un summit of June 12.






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