Twitter limits access to 143,000 apps in new crackdown »Manila Bulletin Technology



By Agence France-Presse

Twitter announced Tuesday that it has withdrawn more than 143,000 mail service applications since the month of April, April in a new campaign of "malevolence". "The activity of automated accounts.

  The Twitter logo is displayed on a screen on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, United States (REUTERS / Brendan McDermid / MANILA BULLETIN)


The San Francisco-based social network said that it was strengthening access to its application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow developers to make Automated Twitter Messages.

"We are committed to providing access to our platform for developers whose products and services make Twitter a better place," said Rob Johnson, director of product management at Twitter

"However, recognizing the challenges facing Twitter and the public. We are taking additional steps to ensure that our developer platform works to serve the overall health of the Twitter conversation. "

Johnson has not offered any details on the revoked applications, but Twitter has been under pressure on" We do not tolerate the use of our APIs to generate spam, manipulate conversations, or invade the the privacy of people using Twitter, "he said.

" We continue to invest in the creation of improved tools and processes to help us stop malicious applications faster and more efficiently. "

Starting Tuesday, any developer seeking to create a Twitter application will need to"

"We are committed to supporting all developers who want to create high quality, policy-compliant experiences using our development tool …

Automated accounts are not always malicious – some are designed to tweet our emergency alerts, art shows or exit from a Netflix program – but the "Bots" have been accused of spreading hoaxes and misinformation for the purpose of manipulating public opinion

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