Ugandan Indians reach a compromise on Prime Minister Modi's visit


Preparations for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit, tainted by divisionism in the Indian community in Uganda, were interrupted following a high-level meeting on Wednesday, July 11, in the United Nations. Indian police station. [19659002] Two weeks have elapsed since the news of Modi's imminent visit on July 24; A number of concerns were raised by some sections of the Indian community

The meeting was motivated by a petition from a group of 15 Indian associations who petitioned the Indian High Commissioner in Uganda, Mr. Shri Ravi Shankar, July 5th. Rejecting the previous 10-member organization committee for Modi's visit.

They threatened to stay away from the preparations for his visit. They cited the lack of inclusion, the weak accountability and the way the organizing committee was chosen for the preparations.

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, is expected to visit Uganda on July 24

. The Indian High Commissioner had to succumb to the petition of the 15 raging leaders of the Indian community and associations, and added six new members to the contested organization committee for Modi's visit. This now brings to 16, the number of members in the organizing committee

As Modi's visit approaches, Mr. Shankar on Wednesday was scheduled to meet with the leaders of the aggrieved groups.

The reports of the closed meeting of the High Commission of India on Kyadondo Road in Kampala, indicate that the parties agreed to work together for the success of the event. The injured leaders also undertook to communicate the decision to their clans.

"We settled the issues that were being petitioned and there is no divisionism in the Indian community. It's about working in harmony. We are lucky that despite the tight schedule of Prime Minister Modi, he will be able to address the community, "Pradid said at a press conference at Kati Kati restaurant on Wednesday.

According to Trushar Upadhyay, who heads the communications committee, new members have come on board, have already joined the subcommittees and started to work.

"All is well, we had a fruitful meeting and I'm making a call to all of us to join hands to welcome Prime Minister Modi During the meeting at the High Commission of India, which was attended by 62 Indian community leaders from the NAMO Community Forum Uganda, it was agreed that 39 previous team of 10 people and the newly appointed 6 would work together for the success of the visit of Prime Minister Modi

The sources who attended the meeting at the Indian High Commission in Kampal The Observer said that some leaders had threatened to petition New Delhi if the missionary, Mr. Shankar, did not comply with their demands. Others, according to sources, had planned to go out if their requests were not satisfied.

Those who cited irregularities in the previous 10-member committee had demanded that the organizing committee take care of all the interests of the Indians living in Uganda. According to sources, the meeting, which had apparently seemed tense, ended amicably since the new 16-member committee agreed to work together. "We are pleased to announce that up to now 5,600 members have been registered online to attend the event, and we expect between 8,000 and 10,000 in the coming days," he said. President of the NAMO Community Forum in Uganda

M. Modi is expected to visit the country on July 24 at the invitation of President Museveni. Entebbe. Mr. Modi is also expected to meet some of the more than 30,000 Indians living and working in Uganda on Kololo Independence Land

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