United States says it expects North Korea to honor pledge to abandon nuclear weapons »Manila Newsletter News



By Reuters

WASHINGTON – The US State Department said on Tuesday that it was expecting Pyongyang abides by its commitment made at the June leaders summit to abandon US President Donald Trump shows the document that he and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have signed by acknowledging the progress of the talks. and are committed to continuing their momentum after their summit at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa Island in Singapore on June 12, 2018. Right, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo . REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst / Photo File / MANILA BALLOT "width =" 1280 "height =" 804 "/>

PHOTO: US President Donald Trump shows the document signed by Kim Jong Un and the North Korean leader, grateful the progress of the talks and committing to continue their momentum, after their summit at the Capella Hotel on the island of Sentosa in Singapore on June 12, 2018. Right, the secretary d & rsquo; US State Mike Pompeo REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst / Photo File / MANILA BILLETIN

Pyongyang is committed to denuclearize after the discovery of a renewed activity in the North Korean factory that produced the first intercontinental ballistic missiles in the country (ICBM) able to reach the United States United States

The ministry left open the possibility that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo could meet North American officials Korean people at the group meetings of l & # 3 9th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Singapore this weekend. the same meetings as the North Korean officials. "I certainly can not prevent any interaction, but we have no meeting on the calendar," state department spokeswoman Heather Nauert (19659006) told reporters. journalists from Pompeo's trip to Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. this week, said the secretary reminds ASEAN to adhere to the sanctions against Pyongyang. According to the official, the fuel is sold illegally to North Korea despite the UN sanctions.

According to the official, North Korea will participate in an ASEAN regional forum bringing together 27 countries. "We remain concerned about the extent of North Korea's illicit purchases, particularly of refined petroleum products through United Nations-sanctioned ship-to-ship shipments," said the official

. Pompeo held talks with Pyongyang to denuclearize following a summit in June between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump.

Nauert said that the United States kept Kim at the head of the country.

She declined to comment on the satellite images of espionage.

"What we are undertaking is the commitment that President Kim has made toward our p. resident, and it's the commitment to denuclearize. That's something we certainly anticipate that it will hold its end of the bargain, "said Nauert.

An image of the photo showed a truck and a covered trailer similar to those that the North used to move its ICBM.As the trailer was covered, it was not possible to know what it was carrying, whatever it may be.

However, the photos and infrared imaging indicate that vehicles enter and leave the Sanumdong facility, but do not show the missile construction could be

The evidence obtained this month are the most recent to suggest continued activity in North Korea's nuclear and missile facilities Trump said shortly after the summit that North Korea no longer represented a nuclear threat

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