US appeals to UN for full enforcement of sanctions against North Korea


Donald Trump-Kim Jong A summit, the US has appealed to the United Nations for "full enforcement" of sanctions against North Korea, underscoring the difficulty of attaining real progress on denuclearization. 19659002] In their joint statement after the historic meeting June 12 in Singapore, the North Korean leader "reaffirmed his commitment" to the "complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."

But the actual details of the process, including how and by what timetable is the North's nuclear program, and yet to be negotiated.

At the time, the US administration insisted on the "urgency" of denuclearization, which was supposed to begin "very quickly."

" We are hopeful we can get it done by 2020, before the end of Donald Trump's current presidential term, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said at the time.

Mr Pompeo has been involved with the challenge of

"We Have No Time Limit,"

"We Have No Time Limit," Mr Trump told reporters on Wednesday. "We have no speed limit." Asked about the change in tone, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert urged to reassure: "We have teams in place that are working very hard on this issue every day," she said. "For the sake of the many experts who have come to the fore, for all its hype, pomp and high expectations, had provided only the barest outline of a long and arduous

For now, the only concrete results of the Washington-Pyongyang thaw are the North's halt to nuclear and missile testing and the American side's suspension of planned military maneuvers with South Korea, long denounced as a "provocation" by Pyongyang.

The US had a long way to go back to the present day.

"If our goal is still complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of The North Korean nuclear program, we're not succeeding, "said Sue Mi Terry of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, speaking at a security conference in Aspen, Colorado.

" Not only are they not giving their nuc

The trump administration, criticized for failing to obtain a written statement of this key objective in Singapore, now insists negotiations are progressing towards the North's "final, fully verified" denuclearization.

Purpose to Pompeo visited to North Korea in early July was "by all accounts except his own deeply disappointing," said Jeffrey Bader and Ryan Hass in an article for the Brookings Institution. The problem, say the two experts, is that "Trump gave away much of that leverage" to ensure North's co-operation.

And now the international campaign of "maximum pressure" on Pyongyang is beginning to weaken.

"The sanctions are already loosening," said Ms Terry, "because China is not really implementing them."

Hence Mr Pompeo's visit to the UN on Friday to condemn the erosion of the sanctions regime and to demand that the international community maintain serious pressure. "

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