US warns against global outsourcing of forced labor in North Korea


US companies were warned this week by the Trump administration that they could face heavy fines, or even criminal charges, if their cases involve workers. North Korean in their supply chain

A notice from the State Department, published online, also provided the most detailed and comprehensive public list of more than 40 countries and one dozens of industries where North Koreans were employed in 2017 and 2018, in violation of UN sanctions. Workers are usually paid a fraction of their wages, while the rest, up to 70%, is taken by the government of North Korea.

"Dangers can hide in global supply chains," said Anthony Talbott of the Dayton Human Rights Center. "North Korea is the most brutal and anti-Christian regime in the world.The only reason a US company would contract with companies using their workers would be because their prices are significantly lower."

North Korean workers abroad usually work from 16 to 20 hours with only a few days off a month. the State Department, which describes the system as a type of human trafficking. Their salary supports North Korea's programs of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles,

"Companies should be aware of North Korea's deceptive practices in order to … ensure compliance with applicable legal requirements to all of their supply chains, "the state department said in a statement Wednesday.

The notice also appoints more than 230 North Korean companies that have joint ventures with partners from China and other countries. Companies produce a variety of items, including clothing, small electronics and minerals. US manufacturers, which import about 10% of their supply chains, could have legal repercussions if they buy materials produced by these joint ventures.

The National Manufacturers Association refused to comment

. North Korean workers in Chinese factories processing seafood end up in US supermarkets

North Korean workers often want jobs ranging from construction in Algeria, Kuwait and Malaysia to medical posts in Cambodia , in China and Nigeria. According to experts, the North Korean government receives hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign currency from its workforce, one-tenth of its economy.

"The repression of wages is one of the final and deepest measures to reduce," said George Lopez, who was part of the UN panel of experts to monitor sanctions against Korea.

But he said that the notice was "more barking than biting" because it is very difficult to identify and impose restrictions.

Law enforcement in the United States falls under US Customs and Border Protection when it comes to blocking imports by North Korean workers. Customs Enforcement would be responsible for criminal charges, and the Treasury Department may impose fines if sanctions are violated.

But these agencies rarely prosecute.

Professor Joseph DeThomas, at the School of Business Penn State International, said that a lon This list of countries is daunting because the UN has banned access to North Korean workers outsourced last year

"This is an important hole in the sanctions. ", he said. China and Russia, where most North Koreans are employed, are complying, said Ray Kua, assistant professor of political science at Fordham University

and some members of the Trump administration. point to a Singapore summit. The United States and North Korea justify easing sanctions.

Rep. Chris Smith, a New Jersey Republican who has been a leading proponent of legislation to end human trafficking, said the State Department sends a strong message on the fight against human trafficking humans. motto for Kim Jong Un's regime. "

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