31 Jul 2018

LinkedIn Voice Mail
It is available on Apple IMessage since the release of IOS 8 in 2014 – and Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp have the functionality of what appears to be already – but In the coming weeks, LinkedIn will finally be broadcasting voice messages on its mobile app and on its website.
The professional networking site said in an article that LinkedIn users will be able to leave voicemail messages of up to one minute in length. "People speak four times faster than what they write, which makes the voicemail ideal for explaining longer or more complex ideas without the time and involvement of typing and writing. edit a message, "wrote product manager Zack Hendlin. 19659004] This feature is available to members who send messages, as well as to recruiters looking for potential talent. It is presented as a way to help recruiters and members to communicate more effectively, while highlighting their personality.
"Talking with your own voice helps to create a more personal connection and communicate effectively. , which can sometimes be lost in written communications.
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