Why Michael Douglas agreed to be part of the Marvel family


Michael Douglas -RUBEN V. NEPALES

LOS ANGELES-In his continuous journey to Hollywood, Michael Douglas – at age 73 – became a Marvel Cinematic Universe actor. The Oscar-winning actor and producer, Golden Globe and Emmy is back under the name of Dr. Hank Pym in "Ant-Man and the Wasp".

The famous son of Kirk Douglas successfully fought against cancer of the tongue. He and his wife, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, also survived a storm in their marriage, which resulted in their separation. They were reconciled in 2013.

In "Ant-Man and the Wasp" by director Peyton Reed, Michael returns to his role as scientist, Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly being also Scott Lang / Ant-Man and Hope Van Dyne / Wasp, respectively.

Excerpts from our discussion:

When you play in a movie like this with a lot of special effects, how different is it? That's the variety, that's the mix. When they came to see me with the "Ant-Man" offer, I never made a film in green. All my films were character pieces. I was eager to do it. Obviously, with the story of Marvel, why not be in a global hit?

I had the joy of being in a supporting role, so I did not have the responsibility to wear a movie. In addition, they orchestrated my time, so I did not hang out for long periods of time. And they pay you well (laughs). "Where do I write," you know.

So, I became part of the Marvel family and drank the Marvel Kool-Aid (laughs). I said, it's a good group. They are very smart, they shoot well, their directors are lively and intelligent.

Here is the 20th film of the Marvel film universe. They have not missed. I do not know anyone in the history of our company who did it.

Do you watch this film as a comedy? It's a superhero movie but it's funny too. I teased them (director and producers) because as Dr. Pym, I am responsible for all the plot, and they throw me because I have a degree in quantum mechanics (laughs). I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about (laughs). Meanwhile, Paul arrives at ad lib. He is really funny.

So I teased him that Paul was not my idea of ​​my protege. He was a cat burglar who took my costume, and I'm stuck with him.

There was some humor in looking at someone who is a bit of an idiot, who is intellectually far below me.

Paul is a great writer with a wonderful comic sense. While they found the tone in the first, in this new, they are more comfortable even being more humorous than the first.

As far as Marvel is concerned, he is just doing better (balanced)

Douglas (left) and Paul Rudd in "Ant-Man and Wasp"

Evangeline Lilly said that when you open your mouth and talk, it's like the whole room changes. Are you aware of your "super power"? Well, I think Evangeline warms me up. It's very nice. Yes, I have some movies. I have been doing this for a while (laughs).

As a producer and someone who plays in most of my photos, I know what is the responsibility of # 1 on the call sheet to create the most comfortable environment I can do it.

Some actors try to intimidate other actors. I kiss the actors, instead. I want them to be all as good as they can, because the only thing that matters is a good movie.

I do not want to be good at a bad movie, is not it? When the film is good, everyone benefits. My intention with younger actors like Evangeline and Paul is to make them as comfortable as possible. Evangeline is no problem. His career has taken off.

I tease her because towards the end of the first film, when I show her mother's costume and that I give her the blessing that she will continue to become the Wasp. I'm watching Evangeline. She has that glowing look, and she's looking at that costume.

She knew that the next movie was probably going to happen, and this (new movie) is what happened. She made big and all the power for her.

Let's go back in time. Do you remember your first paycheck? My first pay check was $ 85 for a Broadway show. My first film was paid for by Steve McQueen, who was the producer, and it was a film titled "Adam at Six A.M." I think I had $ 3,400 but also in the movie, I drove this Mandarin orange Porsche. It's a beautiful car.

When the movie was finished, Steve said "Congratulations" and he waved those car keys. He said, "Here." I remember as if I were a little boy and it was my reward. He gave me this Porsche

On what did you spend the $ 85? At the time, I shared a one-room apartment with Danny DeVito in the Upper West Side (New York). So, he must have been on food or alcohol. I do not know (laughs).

Are you involved in "Ratched", which is based on Nurse Ratched, the character played by Louise Fletcher in "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest", which you produced? Indirectly because we brought it to Netflix. It's the story of Nurse Ratched that preceded the moment she was working at the psychiatric facility, what was her life before that turned her into that woman. He is still in the early stages of development. There are some bumps on the road, at the script level, but it continues.

What do you like to do when you are not working? I also love to travel, but I love golf. I'm trying to talk with my wife by chartering us a catamaran. I am curious to know sailing catamarans. Catherine is not too … [keen] on the idea (laughs), but I'm working on it. But golf is obviously my main vocation.

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