Why Washington's willingness to listen to the Iranians is a nightmare for the regime


The speech delivered by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday night at the Reagan Library in Los Angeles can be described as one more nail in the coffin of the Iranian regime.

It is hard to remember the last time that a regime's rulers were compared to the "Mafia", as Pompeo did in his description of clerics sitting on the throne in Tehran. It is fair to say that Pompeo intensified his Iran in a suggestive way after his May speech where he described the new Trump administration's strategy vis-à-vis the Iranian regime and summed it up in 12 conditions to which Tehran must adhere. In addition, the domestic calamities of Iran are dangerously accompanying a worsening of isolation from abroad.

A catastrophe is happening for the regime

@SecPompeo referring to #Iran the plot to bomb a recent opposition # FreeIran2018 convention held in Paris and the irony / hypocrisy of Europe continuing its appeasement policy already failed vis-à-vis Tehran. #IRGCTerrorists #IranRegimeChange pic.twitter.com/qD3REOS2ie

– Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) July 23, 2018

'Polished front men'

After decades of full appeasement of various administrations in the United States and in the West in general, the Iranian regime faces a White House like no other.

In Iran, the Obama years are referred to as "golden age". Nowadays, circumstances are in stark contrast to what Tehran desires and demands to continue its domestic repression and its adventures abroad

. other countries have spent years trying to identify a moderate policy; it's like an Iranian unicorn! The revolutionary aims of the regime and its willingness to commit violent acts have prompted no one to lead Iran that could be described as "moderate" or "statesman", has he said.

Pompeo used the term "hard-line politicians for the international design of ayatollahs" when he sacked Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif


With protesters across the country continue to express dissent over the ruling regime and complain of severe economic difficulty Pompeo expressed strong words saying that Iran "is headed by something that looks like mafia more than a government."

"40 years of fruits of the Iranian Islamic revolution has been bitter. 40 years of kleptocracy. 40 years of wealth have been squandered on terrorism. The Iranian government is also known for its horrific practice of supporting terrorism and sponsoring extremist groups to fuel sectarian conflict across the Middle East and export crises around the world. As we speak, Iran is moving away to have a "diplomat" based in Vienna – arrested recently about a plot for the Iranian opposition "Free Iran 2018" to Paris – returned to Vienna. Pompeo referred to this case in his speech and made an interesting conclusion about the scheme.


In May, US President Donald Trump withdrew from the United States. a 2015 nuclear pact, ostensibly aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear ambitions. Trump had always described it as the worst case in the world and had kept his election promises to tear the deal.

Since the return of US sanctions and an armada of foreign companies, including Total, Siemens and Boeing, to name only a few, are finishing up their business with the Iranian regime.

Seeing his line of rescue from threatened oil exports, Rouhani and Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei made a series of threats of retaliation in response to the impending US embargoes. What they received was, to say the least, unexpected.

By placing this alongside Pompeo's strong speech on the same day, we come once again to the conclusion that the Iranian regime understands only a firm language.

a point of view, especially through significant sanctions that promise to make Tehran think twice about how to move forward.


The Trump Administration says its Iranian policy is not specifically a "regime change". [19659002] A look at Pompeo's recent speech, the 12 conditions he placed in front of Tehran in May, and how the stakes are worsening following Trump's response to the threats of the Iranian regime, he is sure to say that the changes we observe "

" While it is ultimately up to the people of Iran to determine the direction of their country, the United States […] will support the long-ignored voice of the Iranian people Said Pompeo

. Obama turned his back on the Iranian people in 2009 and the results continue to torment us globally.

Trump does not make this mistake. The mere fact that Washington has decided to listen to the Iranian people inside the country and abroad is a nightmare that is turning into reality for the leaders of Tehran.


Last updated: Tuesday, 24 July 2018 KSA 20:48 – GMT 17:48

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