Workers on strike began the violence, according to NutriAsia


Striking workers started the violence, says NutriAsia

( – July 31, 2018 – 9:30
MANILA, Philippines – NutriAsia, the condiments giant, on Monday accused workers who provoked violence at the Marilao factory in Bulacan after protesters called an ecumenical mass.

The violent dispersal of workers and supporters of NutriAsia, injured supporters and journalists.

In a statement released Monday night, the company said that about 200 employees of B-Mirk, the packer of NutriAsia, would have "fired in the air and Stoned on police and guards EARLIER: NutriAsia protesters were dispersed by police after demanding their right to decent wages, benefits and livelihoods Several workers, supporters and activists youth were injured and captured during the violent dispersal. #NutriasiaWorkersStrike

– CEGP (@CEGPhils) June 14, 2018

The tweets of the partisans and of those who covered the strike showed a mass and a program

The incident occurred three days after the Ministry of Labor and Employment ordered the packer's employees to return to the work

"It is regrettable that The strikers organized a violent attack while a DOLE-led mediation. The meeting between the stakeholders, including the trade union organizer, was at the same time ongoing with the aim of seeking a peaceful settlement for the strikers, "said NutriAsia in his statement.

The condiment company also claimed that the "aggressive actions" the protesters violated the brief preliminary injunction issued by a Malolos court on July 26.

The Malolos Regional Court of First Instance ordered the Independent Workers' Trade Union "and all other persons acting under its authority, direction or control, during the course of the present case, not to interfere with the employment. entry and exit from the factory located at 904 Angeles MIS 3 Lambakin Road, Marilao, Bulacan of NutriAsia Inc. Marilao or obstruct the traffic lanes leading to it, including limited to Dayap Road. "[19659012] RELATED: DOLE: NutriAsia must regularize 80 workers

Dispersal benefits from condemnation

Groups and individuals condemned Violent dispersion of NutriAsia workers who held a picket because of the company's refusal to regularize the workers. Security personnel and police dispersed workers and their supporters after holding an ecumenical mass in front of the Marilao, Bulacan factory.

At least 19 workers and supporters of NutriAsia have been arrested, according to the College Editors Guild of the Philippines.

Rep. Carlos Zarate (Bayan Muna party list) said the NutriAsia leadership and the police who participated in the violent dispersal should be held accountable.

Rep. Sarah Elago (Kabataan party list) denounces "police violence and brutality" and calls for the release of those arrested.

"KMU condemns continued violence against NutriAsia workers on strike following management's refusal to implement DOLE's order to regularize contract workers," said the Kilusang Mayo Uno working group

KMU also called on the Duterte administration to "apply its own restrictions on the illegal practice of contracting, instead of workers in their legitimate protest."

President Rodrigo Duterte, in his speech on the state of the nation last week, called on Congress to pass a law banning the contracting of labor.He said that he had done everything he could on his campaign promise to terminate contractual work, but that it is now up to the Congress to amend the Labor Code.

Journalists, Students Arrested

Among those who were arrested there Philippine udiant Jon Bonifacio, member of the UP Scientia, the official publication of the UP College of Science

Eizadora Yu, associate dean of the UP College of Science, said that Bonifacio is a student model and a candidate for summa cum "Until now, we have no news about Jon's situation and we are worried about his safety and his life, we strongly condemn Jon's arrest." and we ask that he be released immediately, "said Yu.

AlterMidya, a network of alternative media organizations, said his correspondents Hiyasmin Saturay, Eric Tandoc, Avon Ang "Rosemarie Alcaraz, correspondent for Radyo Natin Guimba, from Nueva-Ecija, who was capturing video footage, was pushed by a security officer into the ranks of the workers. On the picket line, she was hit on the head with rattan sticks by NutriAsia's guards. A policeman also hit his camera, a Canon 70D, with a baton, "he also said. 19659004 "Such aggression violates the freedom of the press and the PNP must immediately release these journalists," he added.

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines also condemned the violence, denouncing the security of the company for deliberately "deliberately targeting journalists and Bulacan police not only to prevent or prevent this outrage but, worse still , to arrest five colleagues, make false statements about them, and then prevent other journalists from inquiring about their fate and cover their detention. " – Patricia Lourdes Viray

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