PHILLY COVID UPDATE: Fear hits restaurants and bar owners as Philadelphia braces for new COVID-19 restrictions


PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) – With the rise of COVID-19 as it is, the handwriting was on the wall that sooner or later new, very severe restrictions could emerge.

Philadelphia officials plan to announce new restrictions on Monday, November 16.

“We will announce additional restrictions on Monday. We’re working on exactly what they will be right now, but people can expect it, ”said Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr Thomas Farley.

The surge in numbers reported by state and city authorities reflects the number of cases we saw in the spring.

In fact, according to the 6abc data team, the region’s five counties are experiencing more new cases than in April, and those cases are growing at its fastest rate.

“Rates are increasing exponentially now in Philadelphia, so we don’t recommend people get together for Thanksgiving,” Dr. Farley said.

For owners of bars and restaurants in the city, the announcement of potential new restrictions is not good news.

Teddy Siourias says he just spent more than $ 50,000 to turn his Tinsel location into an annual Christmas bar that has become very popular but has halted work amid new rumors of the restriction.

“I got wind of something. There are whispers in the city of Philadelphia coming on Monday there will be a citywide restaurant closure for indoor seating,” Siourias said. “Most bars and restaurants will be crippled by the lack of indoor seating. There is no way many restaurants can get through their day with just a few tables outside.”

Ben Fileccia of the Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association says he’s been answering calls from members all day.

“It’s really scary, and there just hasn’t been any support. I mean, we know Governor Wolf has $ 1.3 billion in Cares Act Money that he needs to spend before this ends. the year. We need that money, ”Fileccia said. .

While the city’s new restrictions have not been released, some people are hopeful that some things will not be affected.

“I have to work. I hope they don’t do anything about the job,” said Dwayne Riley of North Philadelphia.

As officials continue to refine and adjust their firm response to the outbreak, as it stands, the new restrictions will be announced by the city at 1 p.m. Monday.

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