Phoenix Point will be an exclusive Epic Store, despite promising Steam keys for contributors


X-COM creator Julian Gollop has been widely criticized for his decision to make his next title, Phoenix Point, an exclusive Epic Games Store, despite the Steam keys offered to crowdfunding lenders. Since then, Gollop has tried to purge the air via a Reddit AMA, but that has not stopped some from considering lawsuits against his studio, Snapshot Games.

Phoenix Point has attracted a lot of attention for its turn-based strategy assimilated to the original X-COM, with more than 10,000 contributors pledging $ 765,948 on a crowdfunding site. Fig. the game.

The recent ramp-up of Epic Games Store and Discord as a supplier has given developers more options, with Gollop announcing a one-year exclusivity contract with the first. Snapshot Games announced that contributors will always receive a Steam or GOG key once the past year's exclusivity, in addition to their access to Epic Games Store and their three free downloadable content packs.

Gollop explained that the move "allows for more commitment to safe launch and support for the game immediately after launch," but many contributors are still unhappy with the sudden change. Some request refunds, which are provided by Snapshot Games via a third party transfer service, or directly by Fig. Others accuse the fraud developer and discuss the possibility of a lawsuit.

"We are really sorry for the sponsors who are unhappy with our change of broadcast platform," Gollop said in a statement. Eurogamer. "It was not our intention to scam anyone. The best we can do is offer compensation in the form of free additional content that we will provide throughout the launch year. This will include at least three major downloadable content packs. They will also receive a Steam key or GOG key, in addition to their Epic key, at the end of the exclusivity period. If they are not satisfied, we will refund you in full. "

For those who want to keep it, Gollop thinks that the Epic Games Store will be in a better place after the launch of Phoenix Point in September 2019. "At that point, the Epic store will be more established, with more features. I know that Epic is really committed to building a store that is both user-friendly and developer-friendly, and they have some good ideas to make it more distinctive than alternatives. "

KitGuru says: Personally, I think Snapshot should have tried to follow the same path as Deep Silver with Metro Exodus, filling the steam keys to those who initially supported. Unfortunately, this will probably not be allowed in the signed contract. What do you think of Snapshot's decision?


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