Photo of exhausted Domino workers in San Antonio goes viral


exterior of the domino

Photo: Yuriko Nakao / Contributor (Getty Images)

Stories of the Texas relief efforts due to the storm and power outages are pouring in, and it was encouraging at see people regroup. It is important to recognize the essential workers who have fed people throughout the pandemic and local emergencies, as they receive very little credit for their work. A picture of FOX News in San Antonio shows a pair of exhausted Domino employees after a scramble that swept away a weekend’s worth of supplies in four hours.

“This Dominos in San Antonio. Work during this crisis. They had a food weekend and it was gone in under 4 hours, ”wrote July DeLuna, the user who submitted the photo. for Chime In, the network’s public photo thread. “This team helped those who needed help. It is the essential workers who must be recognized. It was the only open pizzeria. Each pizzeria was closed but the dominoes remained open to help those in need.

I went through rushes for absurd service in my restaurant career when we went through all of our ingredients, and while I probably look pretty exhausted, I honestly can’t say I went through a change like this. An entire weekend of ingredients just went missing due to a massive emergency? It’s some serious shit in the trenches and the kind of shift that even hardened restaurant workers walk in, or at least, when they sneak up to cry privately in the cooler. It’s also a stark reminder that many people in essential restaurant jobs are often not paid much more than minimum wage. But they’re the ones who make the food that arrives at your doorstep when you need it most.


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