Piers Morgan marks Meghan Markle’s friend Patrick J Adams a ‘startled twerp’ because of the comments


Piers Morgan has slammed Meghan Markle’s friend Patrick J Adams after the Suits actor hit the royals and suggested he should be abolished.

The GMB presenter called it a “ startled twerp ” and said his comments were “ disgusting ” after the Canadian actor’s lengthy Twitter post.

The spit came after Buckingham Palace opened an investigation into allegations the Duke and Duchess of Sussex intimidated Kensington Palace staff.

The GMB presenter called the Suits actor (pictured with Meghan on the show) a 'raised twerp' and said his comments were 'disgusting' after the Canadian actor's lengthy Twitter post.

The GMB presenter called the Suits actor (pictured with Meghan on the show) a ‘raised twerp’ and said his comments were ‘disgusting’ after the Canadian actor’s lengthy Twitter post.

Piers Morgan (pictured) slammed Meghan Markle's friend Patrick J Adams after the Suits actor hit the royals and suggested he should be abolished

Piers Morgan (pictured) slammed Meghan Markle’s friend Patrick J Adams after the Suits actor hit the royals and suggested he should be abolished

Mr Adams, 39, who played Meghan’s on-screen husband, wrote: ‘Meghan Markle and I have spent most of the decade working together on Suits.

“From day one she was an enthusiastic, kind, cooperative, generous, joyful and supportive member of our TV family. She remained that person and colleague as fame, prestige and power accumulated.

‘She has always been a powerful woman with a deep sense of morality and a fierce work ethic and has never been afraid to speak up, be heard and stand up for herself and those dear to her.

“Like the rest of the world, I have watched her sail the last few years with amazement.

‘She fell in love, moved to a new country, became a household name around the world, and began the difficult job of trying to find her place in a family dynamic that can best be described as complicated and at best. worse, apparently archaic and toxic. ‘

He continued, “ And then they welcomed Archie. And on any sort of decent planet, now would be a time to stop sharpening knives and let these two enjoy the magical first months and years of building a family. But we don’t live on this planet and instead the hunt has continued.

‘It is OBSCENE that the royal family, who are the last member of the family currently growing up inside of them, is promoting and amplifying accusations of’ harassment ‘against a woman who was herself forced to break up the UK in order to protect his family and his own sanity.

“The IMO, this new chapter and its timing is just another astonishing example of the shamelessness of an institution that has outlived its relevance, is largely exposed on credibility and seemingly bankrupt in decency.

Find someone else to warn, scold, and torment. My friend Meghan is far from your league.

Mr Morgan, 55, replied: ‘In fact, what is’ OBSCENE’ is that your friend is trashing her husband’s family on global television while the Queen’s husband, aged 99 years old, is in the hospital.

“How dare you attack our royal family like that, you jumped little twerp.”

He added: ‘Meghan Markle’s showbiz comrades who flew over and started climbing towards the Royals at her wedding publicly sacking the monarchy – and suggesting its abolition.


At least 10 former royal staff are set to take part in the investigation into Buckingham Palace, which will be conducted by the human resources department, the Mirror reported.

Buckingham Palace said it was ‘very concerned’ about accusations of intimidation made by former royal staff against Meghan when the investigation launched this week.

Past and present employees have been asked to speak in confidence about their experiences working for the Duchess.

Jason Knauf, then the Sussexes’ communications secretary, reportedly filed a bullying complaint in October 2018 in an apparent attempt to get Buckingham Palace to protect staff.

Mr Knauf reportedly sent an email describing the Duchess’s alleged actions to Simon Case, then private secretary to the Duke of Cambridge and now Cabinet secretary, after conversations with Samantha Carruthers, head of human resources.

The Palace confirmed on Wednesday that its human resources team will `` investigate '' the allegations, saying it `` will not tolerate or tolerate bullying or harassment in the workplace. ''

The Palace confirmed on Wednesday that its human resources team will “ investigate ” the allegations, saying it “ will not tolerate or tolerate bullying or harassment in the workplace. ”

The bullying allegations emerged in a 2018 email sent by Harry and Meghan's press chief Jason Knauf, who now works for Prince William.  This sparked an extraordinary chain of events where the Sussexes accused Buckingham Palace of denigrating them.  The Queen then opened an investigation into the bullying allegations

The bullying allegations emerged in a 2018 email sent by Harry and Meghan’s press chief Jason Knauf, who now works for Prince William. This sparked an extraordinary chain of events where the Sussexes accused Buckingham Palace of denigrating them. The Queen then opened an investigation into the bullying allegations

Mr Case then passed it on to Ms Carruthers, who was based at Clarence House.

Downing Street said Boris Johnson continued to have full faith in Simon Case, but the bullying allegations fell with the palace.

Mr Knauf wrote in his email: ‘I am very concerned that the Duchess may have intimidated two PAs from the household over the past year. X’s treatment was completely unacceptable.

“The Duchess seems determined to always have someone in her sights. She intimidates Y and seeks to undermine her confidence.

“ We have had report after report of people who have witnessed unacceptable behavior towards Y. ”

Mr Knauf left a few months after making his allegations and is now a close associate of Harry’s brother, working as managing director of William and Kate’s Royal Foundation.

Meghan’s spokesperson said: ‘The Duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have suffered pain and trauma.

“ She is determined to continue her work of promoting compassion around the world and will continue to strive to lead by example in doing what is right and doing what is right. ”


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