Piers Morgan steps out of Mehan Markle to speak on UK news


Photo: Frazer Harrison / Getty Images for BAFTA LA

Hello Great Britain, who may have woken up without Piers Morgan’s comment today. The Hello Great Britain The presenter actually left the set ten minutes after the show started on Tuesday as one of his co-hosts, Alex Beresford, gave a thoughtful response to Morgan’s rant against Meghan Markle yesterday. This morning, her co-hosts didn’t have the patience for any of her antics, like rude comments about a colleague’s dress. So, at the start of a tense episode, Beresford, who is half-black, responded to Morgan’s attack on Harry and Meghan. “I hear Piers say that William went through the same thing, but do you know what? The siblings are going through a tragedy in their lives, and one will be perfectly fine and push it back and the other won’t be able to deal with it so strongly, ”he said. “This is clearly what happened with Prince Harry in this situation. He walked behind his mother’s coffin at a tender age and tender in front of the globe. It will shape a young boy for the rest of his life. So I think we all need to take a step back.

Beresford went on to refer to Morgan’s own claim that Meghan Markle “ghostHim once she met Harry. “And I understand you don’t like Meghan Markle,” he continued. “You’ve said it so clearly on this program over and over, over and over. And I understand that you have a personal relationship with Meghan Markle – or have had one – and she cut you off. She has the right to interrupt you if she wishes. Has she said anything about you since you interrupted her? I don’t think she did, but you keep ransacking her. On that correct note, Morgan stormed off. “This is absolutely devilish behavior,” responded Beresford. “I’m sorry, but Piers gushes out regularly, and we all have to sit there and listen. Six thirty to seven o’clock yesterday was incredibly difficult to watch.

Following Markle and Prince Harry’s revealing CBS interview with Oprah Winfrey, in which they detailed the racist behavior of the Royal Family, Morgan spent Monday morning defending his one true love, the Queen, and saying that Markle had lied about being suicidal while in the royal family. . He also harassed Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, author of That’s why I resist, on air like her shared his review of the royal family. On Tuesday, ITV CEO Carolyn McCall said the UK broadcaster would “speak” to Morgan about his recent comments, by deadline. After his little explosion, the host returned to the show to give air time to another white man who is in the mood to invalidate the experience of a black woman, Markle’s own father, Thomas. “I don’t think the British are racist,” the 76-year-old American said on GMB Tuesday. “I think Los Angeles is racist, California is racist, but I don’t think the British are.” Does anyone have something useful to say about Meghan Markle? Stepsister Samantha? “I definitely see a narcissistic personality disorder,” she told “Page Six” on Monday, adding “I’m not diagnosing it.” If Meghan and Prince Harry decide to raise their next child in total isolation, who could blame them?


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