Piers Morgan’s Meghan Markle under investigation


British media regulator Ofcom has launched an investigation after more than 41,000 people wrote to complain about comments by ITV’s “Good Morning Britain” host Piers Morgan on Meghan Markle.

In the Monday edition of the show, Morgan said he didn’t believe Markle’s statement on mental health, which she made during her interview with her and Prince Harry with Oprah Winfrey, who aired in the United States on Sunday night.

Markle said she contacted people at the royal “institution” for help after having suicidal thoughts, but was turned down.

“Who did you go to?” What did they tell you? I’m sorry, I don’t believe a word she said, Meghan Markle. I wouldn’t believe it if she read me a weather report, ”Morgan said on the show.

“We have launched an investigation into Monday’s episode of ‘Good Morning Britain’ under our harm and violation rules,” said an Ofcom spokesperson. Variety. Ofcom had received 41,015 complaints about Morgan’s comments on Tuesday at 2 p.m. UK time.

Variety contacted ITV for comment on Ofcom’s investigation.

There was high drama on Tuesday’s edition of “Good Morning Britain” when Morgan stormed the set during the live broadcast, after an altercation with meteorologist Alex Beresford who backed Markle.

He then returned to the show and said: ‘When we talked about it yesterday I said, as a whole thing I don’t believe what Meghan Markle usually says in this interview and I still have serious concerns about the veracity of much of what she said.

“But let me say for the record of my position on mental illness and suicide. These are clearly extremely serious things and should be taken very seriously and if anyone feels this way they should be given the treatment and help they need every time. And if they belong to an institution like the royal family and they are going to seek this help, they should absolutely benefit from it.

“It’s not for me to wonder if she was feeling suicidal, I’m not on her mind and it’s for her to say it. My real concern was frankly disbelief … that she went to a senior member of the royal family and told them she was suicidal and was told she couldn’t get help because it would be a bad regard for the family. If this is true a) this person should be fired and b) the Royal Family have serious questions that need to be answered. “

ITV chief executive Carolyn McCall said on Tuesday that she completely believes Markle and the broadcaster also released a statement. “ITV is committed to mental health and well-being and is working with its charitable partners on ‘Britain Get Talking’, which is to encourage people to talk about their mental health,” the statement said. “It is very important that if someone is having thoughts of suicide, they should always speak up and be listened to.”

“Britain Get Talking” is ITV’s mental wellness initiative.


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