Pink offers to pay fines to Norwegian women’s beach handball team | Pink


Pop star Pink has offered to pay the “sexist” fines imposed on the Norwegian women’s beach handball team after refusing to wear bikini bottoms while playing.

The European Handball Federation, the sport’s governing body, fined the team € 1,500 (£ 1,295) last week for ‘inappropriate clothing’ at the European Beach Handball Championships.

The American singer has expressed support for the women’s team for refusing to follow official rules prohibiting female beach handball players from wearing shorts like their male counterparts.

she tweeted: “I am very proud of the Norwegian women’s beach handball team for protesting against the very sexist rules regarding their ‘uniform’. The European handball federation should be fined for sexism. She added that she would be “happy to pay” the team’s fines.

There are uniform rules in the playing field for women to wear bikini bottoms and sports bra when playing official games. Men can wear shorts and a waistcoat.

The Norwegian Handball Federation then said it was ready to cover the fines, supporting their players’ kit choices in a post on the team’s Instagram page.

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“We are very proud of these girls who during the European Championships raised their voices and announced that enough is enough!

“At NHF, we support you and support you. Together, we will continue to fight to change the rules of dress, so that players can play in the clothes they are comfortable with. “

In an Instagram post on Sunday, the Norwegian team thanked Pink and wrote: “Wow! Thank you very much for your support.”

Player Katinka Haltvik told Norwegian media NRK that her team’s decision to wear shorts instead of bikini bottoms was “very spontaneous” and that she “felt threatened by the regulations”.

“People encouraged us to have gone in front of several teams and to have been shocked. Not all teams can afford to pay such fines, ”said Haltvik. “[Handball] should be an inclusive sport, not an exclusive one.

Meanwhile, British Paralympian Olivia Breen was told last week that her running briefs were “too short and inappropriate” by a sports official at the England championships.

Last month, Pink performed alongside Kylie Minogue and Troye Sivan as part of the Can’t Cancel Pride relief performance, an online stream to help increase visibility and funds for members of the LGBTQ + community.

This article was amended on July 27, 2021 to correct a reference to volleyball, where handball was meant.


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