Piso 21 and Maluma share ‘Más De La Una’ video


Piso 21 and Maluma have teamed up for a new single, “Más De La Una”, released Thursday night.

Piso 21 releases its latest album Ubuntu in 2018. The Colombian pop group also dropped two other singles in 2020: “Dulcecitos”, with reggae duo Zion & Lennox and “Tomar Distancia”.

Pablo de Piso 21 tells Rolling stone how he connected with Maluma: “We already had the song and we finally connected with Maluma and showed ourselves some music that we were working on. Maluma had asked [my bandmate] Dim, ‘Hey, show me what you’ve got and what you’re working on’, and Dim said to herBy [homie], I’ll send you one of the best songs we have, if not the best, ” and we sent “ Mas De La Una ” and Juan Luis [Maluma] replied “It’s a success! I want to be on it ”, and we were thrilled. He hopped on the trail in less than a week and that was it. Everything flows because it’s real, it’s a real admiration, a real friendship, a real whole.

He added: “The song is the start of a new phase, a new chapter being written for Piso 21; it’s about being one step ahead. This is what we want to start broadcasting and presenting in 2021, which continues to position us as global artists. I think this is the first step for the world, the whole world, to really get to know Piso 21 and how multifaceted we are. Countries where we have not reached and places where we dream of one day playing our music. We are well on our way to making this goal a reality. “

Maluma recently performed alongside Jennifer Lopez at the 2020 American Music Awards. He also appeared at the 2020 MTV Video Music Awards, where the Colombian singer performed his single “Hawaii,” a track he later remixed with The Weeknd.


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