Pitcher shoots a shot straight out of the & # 39; Matrix & # 39; to avoid driving online


The Houston Astros Pitcher, Collin McHugh, has been sold out Matrix on Tuesday night, leaning back to avoid a line like Keanu Reeves dodging bullets in a tour de force of human flexibility.

McHugh's impressive reflexes not only helped him to dodge Kendrys Morales's hit line from Oakland (although the ball apparently touched McHugh's hand), but also helped the Astros to perform. a double game

After the match, referee Bob Guccione recounted what he had seen by telling MLB.com: "It reminded me exactly of Keanu Reeves and The matrix. And so I had to go out there and I told him: "Dude, it was like The matrix. & # 39; "

McHugh's moves come just one night after Cubs thrower Yu Darvish hit three people with one shot. A big week for Major League pitchers defying physics.

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