PITTSBURGH TIME: Chance of showers Saturday before Sunday's snowstorm


PITTSBURGH – Keep your winter clothes and snow shovels on hand as two snowguns cross the area over the weekend.


A mix of rain and snow is possible late Friday night to Saturday morning. A winter weather notice will be in effect from 16h. Friday at 4 am Saturday for Indiana County and Westmoreland and Fayette County ridges for the potential of 1 inch of snow and ice.

Small showers of rain or snow will be possible on Saturday afternoon.

Prepare for dangerous travel conditions Sunday to Monday, while a strong storm brings several inches of snow to shovel in the area.

Plan now for snowy and icy roads, especially Sunday to Monday morning.

The storm is still in progress, but the latest updates include a storm track leaving a 3 "to 5" heavy and wettable snow footprint that can be plowed through most of the area, with higher possible amounts.

The snow will start Sunday during the day and, even though some of the snow will melt on the treated roads, a steady, moderate to heavy snow period could quickly make the roads cold enough for the snow to pile up.

At times, the snow could fall at a rate of 1 "per hour during the peak of the storm, rapidly changing road conditions and making travel dangerous.

There is still a chance that the storm will move further south, which would reduce the overall amount of snow in our area. However, several computer models have been consistent, indicating a significant amount of snow in our region. In fact, this could be our biggest snowfall of the season to date, surpassing the 4.2 "we shoveled on February 20th.

Most of the snow is expected to finish by Monday morning, but crews will have to deal with the arctic cold as a result of the storm, which will quickly freeze any untreated slush.

Now plan for disruption as current forecasts could lead to school delays on Monday.

As always, the forecast for this storm will change as new details of the storm's trajectory develop, so check back often for updates.

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