Pixel 3 buyers do not come from the iPhone



Win on Samsung users?

Google has never seemed very attached to creating phones.

The devices emerge, they are rare and then disappear in a sea of ​​discounts.

I remember trying to get a Pixel 2 at Best Buy and that all the store had only one phone. Hidden in a closet.

Someone, however, buys them. Who could they be? The research company CounterPoint tried to find out.

Could it be that the Pixel 3, handsome phone as it is, enchants iPhone users to give their beloved and drift to the dark side?

It could not.

The findings of CounterPoint only confirm long-held suspicions that users are moving more and more from one operating system to another.

The company said, "Despite the initial commercial success, the Pixel 3 series has proven ineffective at converting a larger share of iPhone users to Android."

Indeed, less than one in five Pixel 3 buyers was a previous Apple user. Who then converts the Google phone? CounterPoint says that more than half of the buyers came from Samsung.

Specifically, 31% came from those who owned a Galaxy S7. Perhaps they have taken a look at Samsung's latest offerings, have they decided that their appearance would look like that of their current phones and thought that they would go wrong. Or thug-lite.

Jeff Fieldback, director of research at CounterPoint, presented a dark assessment of the commercial performance of Pixel 3: "The Pixel was designed to drive Android innovation and be a device to influence the iOS base. on Android, it's probably considered a disappointment. "

Oh, I do not know.

Two factors surely have an influence here.

Although Google has tried a little harder with the Pixel 3, this is not a name that worries everyone. Indeed, when I went to a Verizon store to see how I could be persuaded to buy one, the seller pleaded with his main selling point: "It's just different."

An even bigger obstacle is the notion of switching. Although my wiser colleagues insist that it can be easily done, relatively few people can be bothered. Technology makes us lazy, after all.

As a category, phones have become less interesting. They tend to be a little less glamorous and a little more utilitarian. Why, Apple demonstrated by its manic pursuit of the service industry – meet our new friends at Goldman Sachs! – that is where she sees the greatest growth potential.

When Pixel 2 was launched, Google clearly targeted the iPhone X with its claims to superiority.

I wonder how long it will go before a phone is launched and says, "Do not bother with Samsung, it's better."

After all, it is there that business looks good.


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