Google telegraphed well before the launch of Pixel 4 that it would be accompanied by a feature called Motion Sense, a radar technique developed under the name of Project Soli using high-frequency radios to detect gestures in the world. air user interfaces. But if you live in a country, you should not expect to take advantage of this feature.

The American retailer Best Buy has released a promotional page for Pixel 4 that highlights a particular feature:

Hi Motion Sense * – You no longer need to touch your phone to get things moving. Motion Sense is a new Pixel 4 technology that can detect your gestures without having to touch the screen.

What happens with the asterisk? Well, there are some exceptions to who gets the sense of movement:

* Not functional in Japan. Motion Sense is functional in the United States, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan and most European countries. Not all phone functions are controlled by Motion Sense. For more information, see

This URL refers to Google's Google Pixel Phone help pages, but does not contain FAQs or specific details at this time. We are therefore wondering whether the geographical restriction is due to regulatory obstacles to transmissions at 60 GHz in Japan or in the few European countries concerned. are not counted in the "most" category – although the exact range varies from country to country, the 56GHz-64GHz zone is considered an unauthorized territory for satellite and cellular operations .

Curiously, the Pixel 3a and 3a XL have supported the dual SIM card with the Android 10 update, but this feature has been blocked in Japan.

In any case, you can register to be notified when Pixel 4 goes on sale at Best Buy. Just know that you will also have other options to know where to buy one.