Places in Africa where you will not have mosquito problems


Mosquitoes are flying insects known to have about 3,500 species of smaller insects. They are thin and have a segmented body: a pair of wings, three pairs of long, hair-like legs, feathered antennae, and elongated mouthparts.

Their consistent cycle consisting of eggs, larvae, pupae and imago gives them the ability to reproduce quickly. In most species, adult females lay their eggs in standing water. Some species also prefer to breed in lakes, some in temporary puddles, others in salt water.

Mosquitoes are known to be the main cause of malaria. Anopheles female mosquitoes catch the parasite of infected persons when they bite to obtain the blood necessary for the production of their eggs. The parasites multiply rapidly in the liver, then in the red blood cells of infected people.

Algeria is the first place in the world where the malaria parasite was discovered by the French doctor Dr. Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran in 1880. She reported her last case of indigenous malaria in 2013 after a hard battle against the disease since hundreds of years.

In 1987, Sir Ronald Ross discovered that female mosquitoes transmitted malaria between humans. His discovery prompted the annual celebration of 20th August is World Mosquito Day.

With the ongoing struggle to eradicate malaria in Africa, these parts of the continent are somewhat free of mosquitoes.


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