Plants vs. Zombies is ten years old, so here is a glimpse of its origins


Fine arts[Fine Art]( is a celebration of the work of video game artists, showcasing the best of their professional and personal portfolios. If you are in the business and want to share an art, [get in touch!](mailto: [email protected])

One of the main reasons I run Fine arts Every night, I am fascinated by the earliest origins of the characters and worlds we love. And it's not much earlier than these sketches that lay the groundwork for the classic tower defense game Plants against Zombies.

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the series, the creator George Fan shared some preliminary notes on Twitter, including this sketch that basically describes the design and presentation of the game so that everyone can see it instantly.

It's crazy how this rough doodle ends up being so close to the final design:

In addition to the sketch, Fan also shared design notes, like the game Magic: the rally inspiration:

George will share more PvZ archive notes throughout the week on Twitter, so stay tuned if you want to read more things like that.


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