PlayStation 5 scalpers recover Argos stock before it goes on sale •


“A PS5 for every room in the house, even the bog.”

Another day of new PlayStation 5 stock, another day of scalpers. This time around, UK retailer Argos is in the spotlight for racking up shares ahead of its official sale.

IGN reports that the expected inventory refresh today was affected by the fact that many consoles were launched yesterday by an organized scalping group.

This group, which we will not name here, claim to have been able to find and access payment URLs on the Argos website before they became available to the public.

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Unconfirmed reports from anonymous Argos staff posted on social media last night suggest that channel officials were told of the first sales and those orders were being canceled.

But, this morning, members of the Paid Scalping Ring posted pictures of themselves descending to Argos to get their click back and collect orders. We reached out to Argos for comment.


Other chains were also struck again by scalpers.

Another subscriber to the same scalping network bragged on social media that he used the service last night to buy seven consoles at four different outlets.

“One PS5 for every room in the house, even the bog,” he writes.


The group itself, meanwhile, celebrated being named in media coverage of its actions – something it hoped to attract more paying customers to its services.

Last week, another UK retailer GAME played down another scalping group’s report that it got 2,000 PS5 consoles in a single day, saying those orders were just pre-sales yet to be verified.

And while these scalping groups have some success – as today’s photos show – it’s also worth remembering why they like having such a big mouth on social media: because they’re constantly trying to attract new customers. These scalping groups are run like businesses for their owners, with member access limited by high monthly subscription fees.

Last month a group of Scottish MPs suggested UK legislation was needed to stop the rise of scalping for items such as game consoles, especially as the practice is already banned for event tickets .


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