PlayStation praises Nintendo and Microsoft as the Xbox team calls for unification


PlayStation's Shawn Layden has recently been very talkative about the Sony brand. Among his comments on the cross-platform game and the malfunctions of the PlayStation 3, he took advantage of a moment during the festivities of DICE to praise Nintendo amid a significant change in the game. the industry as a whole.

"Of course, we are all competing to draw attention to this sector, but to keep the video gaming landscape vibrant and vital," Layden said in his presentation on Nintendo and Microsoft. "We have the power to bring people joy, inspiration, respite, we have the ability to transport them to new worlds and provide them with super powers. As developers, we are not competing with each other. We are all craftsmen of art, and the art is based on the creative, not the competitive. "

This is certainly a good feeling, especially since the console war seems more combative than ever.

He added, "The gaming industry is at a point of inflection – a time when we are losing our youth and becoming a cultured stone. The community has grown because players no longer end up with the game. We have many more gray-haired people now than before. Myself included. And we do not see games as childish things to put away.

"We consider the game as the art form of our generation – as the most powerful form of expression."

Layden also talked a bit about influencers and their impact, such as Ninja with Fortnite and how PlayStation and its competitors have to keep this in mind when developing the game. "New Heroes, New Perspectives" as he called it, turning the future of gamers into one foot. Equality with those who play them.

He also praised Nintendo for being the "best selling console in 2018" while mentioning its intention to "expand the gaming tent" with its own team and with Microsoft and the big N.

Microsoft themselves has been very insistent on accessibility since Phil Spencer's accession. The Xbox team has been battling alongside Nintendo and Valve to reduce the gap between the consoles. It seems that Sony – with important changes in leadership – is also experiencing profound changes of heart.


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