PlayStation VR 2, Dualshock 5, PS5 release date and price leaks


PlayStation VR 2, Dualshock 5, PS5 Release Date and Price
PS5 concept image

The release date of PlayStation Virtual Reality 2 and Sony PS5 may be close. An article has been published on Pastebin, which details the prices and the release date of PlayStation VR 2 and PlayStation 5.

It's worth noting that this is the same article that leaked compatibility with the PS5, which was confirmed by the PlayStation yesterday, April 16th. They also presented a long list of Sony's new generation console specs, which seem almost perfect. This only strengthened the validity of this article.

As we approach the sixth anniversary of the console since November 15, 2013, it seems that the PS4 was launched a long time ago. Although Sony has just released some official details, there is much more information on this post, including PSVR2, and we could get an idea of ​​what we can get our hands on early next year.

PlayStation 5 Release Date

The post specifies that the release date of PS5 will be March or November 2020. They say that it has not been finalized yet. The two separate eight-month dates, however, seem a little strange. If the information disclosed on the message is true, a March 2020 release is more likely.

As for the release date of the PS5 for this year, PlayStation has dismissed it yesterday by revealing its first details, following an interview with The Wired.

Date and date of publication PS5 "width =" 600 "height =" 337 "srcset =" 1000w, https : // 300w, Release -Date-Price-768x432.jpg 768w, 696w, wp -content / uploads / 2019/04 / PS5-Date-Price-747x420.jpg 747w "sizes =" (maximum width: 600px) 100vw, 600px
PS5 concept image, this is not the official art

Although the first details were released yesterday, according to the post, you can expect that Sony's official PS5 reveals that details will arrive somewhere around the E3, that is to say from June 11 to 13, 2019. However, Sony will not be attending E3 this year.

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PlayStation 5 Plus Membership

Another interesting revelation is that the usual PS Plus will be included, but also PlayStation Plus Premium. The premium subscription would allow players to play beta versions of official early-access games and create private servers. We will update this information with a potential price once we have it.

PS5 Price Point

The post office says the price will be $ 499, which is about £ 380. Interestingly, the PlayStation 4 was launched for the first time at a price of $ 399. "$ 100 loss per console early" basically means that the production of each console costs $ 599.

For those who are confused, yes … Sony will lose $ 100 per console though it costs $ 499, but they can leverage their business in no time with the number of software available for purchase.

PlayStation 5 "width =" 600 "height =" 338

PlayStation VR 2

First, it was revealed yesterday that "the current PSVR headset is compatible with the new console."

The first installment of Virtual Reality by Sony was released on October 13, 2016 for $ 399. The Pastebin publication revealed intriguing details about Sony's next push VR.

  • Great improvement in resolution – probably 2560 x 1440, 120hz
  • Field of vision 220
  • Follow-up of the eye
  • Wireless
  • Battery life 4-5 hours
  • Integrated helmet
  • Less motion sickness
  • No breaker
  • Much less cable management
  • Much more focus on VR for AAA games

PlayStation VR 2 "width =" 600 "height =" 338 "srcset =" 1000w, https: // gamingintel. com / wp-content / uploads / 2019/04 / PlayStation-VR-2-300x169.jpg 300w, 768w, 696w, -VR-2-746x420.jpg 746w "sizes =" (maximum width: 600px) 100vw, 600px

PSVR 2 release date

The article details the release date of PS Virtual Reality 2 in 2020 and will be revealed with the PS5.

PS Virtual Reality Award 2

According to rumors, the price of PSVR2 would be around $ 250, which is interesting to the extent that we can focus more on virtual reality for AAA games.

Dualshock 5 (PS5 controller)

The Sony PlayStation 5 controller will be one of the centerpieces of the puzzle for advanced PS5 gaming. According to rumors about the new controller, there is a kind of VR indoor camera, more Analog precision for FPS games and something similar to the analog steam trackpad.

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Although some details of this "leak writer" in the message have proven accurate up to now, we advise fans to remain very skeptical. Some parts of the information seem rather far-fetched, and Sony has not confirmed or provided details on certain details of the article.

Nevertheless, if this information is true, these are interesting revelations about PS5 and Sony PSVR2. It seems that Sony will once again push its next delivery of Virtual Reality, alongside the release of their next console.

What do you think of these revealed details that have been revealed? Is there anything you would expect to see about PlayStation 5 and Virtual Reality 2?

Leak controller


Source: Anonymous source on Pastebin

Expected announcement: Q2 – Q3 2019



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