PocketBook launches 7.8-inch e-reader with new E Ink color display


Electronic reader company PocketBook has announced and released the InkPad Color, a 7.8-inch device that uses E Ink’s latest color technology. PocketBook tells The edge that this is the first device with a new Kaleido panel to be available in the United States and Europe.

According to the company, the new version of Kaleido has a different color filter pattern that provides better contrast and color saturation than the first Kaleido, which itself is a fairly new technology. PocketBook also states that the screen refresh rate has been improved in the software.

The specifications of the new Kaleido panel are otherwise similar to the previous generation, with a resolution of 300 dpi for monochrome content and 100 dpi when displaying colors. The overall screen resolution has been increased to 1404 x 1872, due to its larger physical size. The InkPad Color weighs 225g and is 8mm thick, so it should be quite portable.

A few months ago, I reviewed the PocketBook Color, which was one of the first Kaleido e-readers on the market all over the world. I was generally impressed with the screen tech, but found the 6-inch panel too small to be practical for use cases like magazines and comics. A bigger and improved screen could make the InkPad Color a much more useful device – hopefully we can see it for ourselves soon.

InkPad Color is already available on Newegg and Amazon for $ 329.


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