Pokemon Go Guide: Community Day in May with Torchic Details and Start Time


Torchic is finally his turn to be the star of a Pokemon Go Community day.

The event will run from 15h-18h to your time zone on 19th May. Note that this is not Saturday, when most community days are held, but a Sunday. Community Day will feature higher spawning spawn rates, but will also triple the star dust of captured Pokémon.

Torchic is not a very rare species, but it is definitely worth collecting to at least complete your Pokédex and get a solid fire type attacker.

How can I get a Shiny Torchic?

Shiny Torchic will appear during this event period, and with him will also come Shiny Combusken and Blaziken. At the end of the event, Wild Torchics will be able to change Shiny, but at a much lower rate. According to a Silph Road study, the chance of getting a Shiny at a community day is about one in 24. (The usual chance of getting a shiny one is about one in 450.) If you check continuously all the torches that are breeding around you, you are forced to find a golden bird.

The brilliant shapes for Torchic, Blaziken and Combusken in Pokémon Go

Make your golden girl evolve into a more red bird-man.
Niantic via Polygon

What's the special move for Blaziken?

Blaziken will learn Burn evolved during the event, making it the best fire-type attacker in the game.

Players must turn their torches into blazikens before 7 pm local time on May 19 to get the special shot.

How can I get the most out of the community day?

use Starpieces throughout the event and catch everything. Stardust is one of the most important resources of Pokémon Go. Updating your Pokémon to the maximum after level 33 can cost 8,000 Stardust per upgrade. In addition, you never know when your friend has a rare Shiny or Legendary he is willing to share with you, which will cost € 40,000 for Best Friends and even more for the lower levels.

With Blast Burn, Blaziken will be the best fire type attacker in the game. You'll probably want to get one or two to add to your raiding team. Refueling Blaziken will help eliminate future raid targets, such as the steel type. Cobalion or the type of grass Virizion.

Note that without Blast Burn, Blaziken is a better type attacker than a fire type attacker. If you miss the chance of getting the special shot of Community Day, you should give all high IV Blazikens you catch a moveet with Counter and Focus Blast. If you do not know how to check the hidden stats of your Pokémon, we have a guide here.


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