Pokémon Red is now playable on a Twitter avatar, one way or another


A few years ago, the phenomenon of “Twitch Plays PokemonBriefly grabbed the nerd world, developing his own dramatic and memorable mythology within days. This allowed users of a Twitch stream to dictate the commands of the Pokemon game played on screen via commentary. This concept has gained a lot of popularity in different ways since then. The latest evolution of this idea comes from a Twitter user Constantin Liétard, which allowed to play Pokémon Red in the user’s Twitter avatar.

Basically anyone can Tweet a command – “Up”, “Down”, “Left”, “Right”, “A”, “B”, “Start” or “Select” – and the most commonly selected command. The next command that will occur in the game will be. Then the Twitter avatar updates with an image representing the new state of the game. The Twitter avatar image updates every 15 seconds, which basically means that an action is performed in Pokémon Red every 15 seconds.

If you want to be especially serious with your game of Pokémon Red on a Twitter avatar, you can even join a Discord server about it.

Let us know if you will join the effort to conquer Pokémon Red on social networks. It’s such a strange and unique setup that hopefully Nintendo won’t erase it.



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