Pokemon society wants to have fun while sleeping – Variety


The Pokemon company introduced "Pokemon Sleep" at its press conference on Tuesday, a new app designed to make sleep more fun.

The application and the game "Pokemon Sleep" follow the sleep habits of a user. The game then adjusts according to their sleep patterns. The game is also compatible with a new device Pokemon Go Plus + which the company Pokemon announced the development Tuesday.

Basically, the company wants to sleep what "Pokemon Go" did to walk.

"In 2016, 'Pokémon GO' has transformed the simple act of entertainment, turning the whole world into a game", tweet from the official Twitter account of Pokemon said. "We're about to do it again, trainers – this time, to sleep."

To be used with the new Pokemon Go Plus +, players will have to place the device next to them while they sleep. The device then sends information to the user's phone via Bluetooth.

Few details have been revealed about "Pokemon Sleep" itself, but it will be released in 2020, so stay tuned for more.

In idle time until 2020, or at least until more information is revealed, the most sleepy pokemon, Snorlax, is available for a limited time on "Pokemon Go" for celebrate this announcement. Catch one while you can!

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