Pokémon Sword and Shield: character customization, curry cooking at camp


The newest slices of Pokémon, Sword and Shield, will have some pretty detailed character customization options, as shown in today's Nintendo Direct. The previous games in the series have allowed players to customize their clothes up and down, but now it looks like we can add outerwear, gloves and other accessories. There are also a multitude of different haircuts. This should be particularly useful during multiplayer raids, where players will want to stand out from other potential PokéMasters.

Character Customization in Pokémon Sword and Shield

Freak / Nintendo Game

Nintendo has also revealed a new feature, Camp, which allows you and your Pokémon to spend time in nature. You will be able to play with a handful of Pokémon in this 3D environment, waving toys and showing them affection.

Tyranitar plays with a feather in Pokémon Sword and Shield

Freak / Nintendo Game

You can even cook for them because the camp offers a pot where you can make more than 100 different curry recipes. The various curries will give various bonuses to your Pokémon band, recalling the cooking mechanisms of the Monster Hunter series.

Nowadays, Nintendo Direct has also introduced a new Pokémon in the game. You can read everything about them here.


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