Pokemon Sword And Shield each has an exclusive gym


The Pokemon company has released a new trailer for Pokemon Sword and Shield this week, offering fans an overview of new features and Pokémon from the upcoming Switch games. Like its predecessors, Sword and Shield will each have a handful of exclusive Pokémon that can only be found in this version, but it will not be the only difference between the two games; this time, everyone will also have gyms exclusive to the version.

As we saw in the new trailer (which you can look at below), some Pokemon Sword and Shield cities will feature different gyms depending on which version you use. We do not know how many gyms with exclusive versions will be in total, but the last trailer features at least one. In Pokemon Sword, players will challenge Bea, a Pokémon combat specialist. The same town of Pokemon Shield however has a Ghost-type gym run by the terrifying Allister. You can consult the two gym managers below.

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This is not the first time that Pokemon games feature exclusive gym leaders; The leader of the last Pokemon Black and White gym differs depending on which version you play, although in either case the coach remains specialized in Dragon Pokemon. Some black and white cities also had aesthetic differences depending on the version, although it is not yet known if Sword and Shield will implement other version differences.

Of course, with the gyms exclusive to the version, there will be a handful of Pokémon that you will only be able to catch in Sword or Shield, and we now have our first glimpse of a couple that will be exclusive to each version. . The Pokemon Deino Dragon and Jangmo-o will only appear in the wild in Pokemon Sword, while Larvitar and Goomy are only in Pokemon Shield.

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This is not all the latest trailer revealed; We also examined four other new Gen 8 Pokémon, as well as a new mechanic called Gigantamaxing. Unlike standard Dynamaxing, only some Pokemon can Gigantamax, and their size and appearance will be transformed. The trailer also featured Galar Pokemon League president Rose and secretary Oleana.

The launch of Pokemon Sword and Shield for Nintendo Switch will take place on November 15th. The games will be compatible with the next Pokemon Home service, allowing you to bring some of your old monsters. However, you will not be able to transfer all old Pokemon to games. This decision was so controversial that the producer of the series, Junichi Masuda, issued a statement about the drama. To learn more about the titles, be sure to check out our release date and our Pokemon Sword and Shield pre-order guide.


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