Pokemon Sword & Shield Reveals Pokemon's Next Generation 8 and Gigantamaxing


Pokemon has released a new trailer for the upcoming Pokemon Sword and Shield games for Switch. The video gives us a glimpse of some new players that new Pokemon Gen 8 players will discover during their travels in the Galar region, as well as two new characters they will meet and a special type of Dynamaxing called Gigantamaxing. .

While the standard Dynamaxing increases the size of a Pokémon, Gigantamaxing also changes their physical appearance. A gigantamaxed Drednaw, for example, will stand on its hind legs and the armor of a gigantamaxed Corviknight will separate and fly like leafy birds. Although almost all Pokémon are able to dynamize, it seems that only certain species are capable of gigantax, and according to the Pokemon society, "even among these species, only the rare specimens will be able to gigantamax". You can capture Gigantamax Pokemon in Max Raid Battles.

Gigantamaxed Drednaw
Gigantamaxed Drednaw
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The trailer also featured four new Pokemon species. The first is Alcremie, a type of fairy who looks like whipped cream. It's one of the few Pokémon capable of Gigantamaxing, and when it undergoes transformation, it looks like an imposing cake. Next is Yamper, an electric type Pokemon puppy with a new ability called Ball Fetch; If you cast a Poke Ball on a wild Pokémon but fail to capture it, Yamper will pick up the first one you cast (provided it does not already have an item). We also had a look at the Pokemon Coal Rock-type, Rolycoly, as well as the steel / dragon type Duraludon. You can see the illustrations of the four new Pokémon below.

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Finally, the trailer introduced a handful of new characters, including two new gym leaders. In the first place, Bea, an expert of the fighter type exclusive to Pokemon Sword. The Pokemon Shield players, on the other hand, will face Allister, a Ghost type gymnastics leader. The trailer also gave us a quick overview of Galar Pokemon League President Rose and his secretary Oleana. You can watch the full trailer below.

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The launch of Pokemon Sword and Shield for Nintendo Switch on November 15th is unknown. We do not know yet how many Pokemon will appear in the game, but we know you will not be able to transfer all the old monsters to them – a decision that has proven so effective. controversial that the producer of the games, Junichi Masuda, had to make a statement about the drama. To learn more about the titles, do not forget to check out our Pokemon Sword and Shield pre-order guide.


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