Pokémon's New York inspired monsters are joining today's Pokémon Go & # 39;


If you grew up playing Pokémon in the United States, the Gen 5 is special. Black and White Pokémon were the first Pokémon titles to be inspired not by Japan, but by the United States. The game region, Unova, is based on the state of New York, replacing Cestelia City Lower Manhattan. In addition, many Pokémon native to the region were inspired by different aspects of the city. Take Watchog, one of the joining Pokémon To go today, for example. He wears what is essentially an MTA's maintenance officer's vest. Another, Lillipup, is based on yorkies the size of an accessory. Speaking of the MTA, in Black and white, you can also fight in the subway, and this is one of the most fun aspects of the game. Almost ten years after the release of the originals, the time has come to revisit this era with Pokemon Go.


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