13 students fainted at school. "The emotional base can not be excluded"


The services intervened in a team of schools in Saska Kępa after the collapse of a dozen students. We received the first signal regarding the event on Contact 24.

The case concerns school complex No. 21 Saska Street.

13 students

"It started in the morning with a nervous student who felt sick after arriving at school, then another fainting, his condition was sufficiently disturbing for ZS 21 director Marek Kupiecki to call an ambulance. also one of the employees of the secretariat, which however quickly regained its energy, "said in a letter to the journalist Andrzej Opala, spokesman for Praga Południe.

As he points out, eight girls went to the hospital for observation. – Adult students are observed in the faculty of grenadiers. Juveniles went to Niekłańska Hospital with one of the teachers. At 14 were still there. They will probably be on call until tomorrow, Opala wrote on Wednesday.

It ensures that parents are informed of the problem. Reports from the office show that eight children from Niekłańska Kindergarten Branch No. 180 were taken out of the building. Students from the school team were evacuated to the nearby Conflict Resolution and Recreation Center, ul. Saska, and at 1:15 pm, they were sent home.

On the site, apart from the ambulance cards, appeared a fire and police department, as well as employees of the Office of Security and Crisis Management and representatives of the district office.

More than 400 evacuees

– There was a suspicion that someone could spray something. However, the chemical team has taken measurements and nothing has been detected – says Tomasz Sitek of the fire department.

He adds that more than 400 people have been evacuated.

"The ambulance doctor also ruled out poisoning as the cause of the fall of the student.After speaking to the girls, he did not rule out the emotional foundation of the student. fainting, "added Andrzej Opala.

And tells you where students can get nervous. "In a short time, Monday and Tuesday, the ZS No. 21 touched two tragedies.First, the school received sad information about the death of a popular teacher." These two pieces of information could have caused an emotional shock to the girls, "the spokesman diagnosed.


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