2 million fund customers look nervously at their accounts. You can earn more on deposits


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Fot. PAP / Andrzej Wiktor

The first year of 2018 was unpleasant for those who invested in funds

Poles are more and more willing to invest their money in investment funds. However, most of the most recent have resulted in losses, and often silent. Even theoretically sound funds did not guarantee higher profits than on a bank deposit.

Investment funds have long tempted clients to multiply their money. Especially as the supply of savings accounts or deposits in banks has not been impressive for a long time. Mutual fund companies (TFI) have always received funds systematically

According to recent statistics from the National Bank of Poland, funds from a wide range of clients (excluding closed-end funds) already amount to almost 160 billion zlotys. a larger amount than the one deposited in the GetBack bonds. This applies to a much larger group of people. Data from leading investment fund companies suggest that there are about 2 million customers in savings

.The first part of the year has shown that profits for most of 39, between them could jump to zero from the investment at best. More losses. It turned out that a deposit of 1.5%. daa will win more.

The data collected by Analizy Online show that for the past year, only funds investing in stocks of US companies will earn more than the average investment. However, the rate of return is not staggering because only 2.7%. Given the equity risk, it's a bad result. Statistics from the same funds over the last 5 years have shown that each year it earns about 10 percent [1965900] In the first call, funds were not invested for customers' money in shares of Polish companies. Universal funds of this type fetched an average of 12%. rodkw. The WIG index will lose less the same value. This means that professional fund managers have not been able to beat the market and minimize losses in the face of deteriorating sentiment in financial markets. Let's talk not only about Poland

Year in year out of investment funds
type of fund rate of return type of fund rate of return
US stocks + 2.7% of a world-wide business -2%
of a Polish Treasury securities + 0.8% Polish mixed-use growth [19659017] -3%
currency and universal currency (PLN) + 0.8% shares of world emerging markets -4.5%
shares of European developed markets + 0.4% Asian equities without Japan -4.6%
Polish company dune + 0.2% Combined Polish sanctioned -5.4% [19659018] Polish universal contribution + 0.2% Commodities market – precious metals -6.8%
shares of world developed markets [19659019] + 0.2% shares in European emerging markets -7.7%
foreign mixed loans sanctioned -0, 7% [19659017] shares of Polish small and medium-sized enterprises [19659017] -9.1%
stable foreign joint growth -1.7% universal Polish shares -11.9%
world universal duels -1.9% Turkish shares -23.2%
to: Analizy Online

Global risk

For several months we have also seen earnings declines across Europe. The bad mood will affect the Asian markets, which are also open to clients of investment funds.

Equity funds in European countries included in emerging markets are nearly 8% lower. Asian equities (excluding Japan) will generate losses of 4.6% on average. However, the biggest pogrom is about Turkish shares – very popular it not so long ago. Their customers lost after nearly 23 percent

Apparently perfect for investing precious metals, these days will not improve fund statistics. Customers who set up, among other things for nearly seven percent after the end of the year for the cartoon However, here is the moment for the series. Over the last 5 years, the average rate of return in this case is minus 3.6%

Basic Investment Fund – what should TFI know about each?

Stocks or commodities are risky investments To put money in this type of assets, he must realize that he can draw a lot, but he will lose a lot. This is an option for risk takers

Safe but unprofitable

Other motivations have other motivations for people who entrust their savings to bond funds that will not give no coconut, but it seems that they can not be lost. In the case of foreign corporate bonds and so-called universal rule does not work. Losses rise to about 2%. On the positive side are similar funds investing in Poland, but it is difficult to talk about earnings in the case of average yields of 0.2% to 0.2%

The safest are government bonds one more time. Funds that invest in this type of financial instruments are facing the current turmoil in the market with the safest solution. Although it is worth a favor, would not it be better to buy Treasury bonds on your hands?

Read more : There is a way to protect money from inflation . The Poles have already paid $ 4.5 billion from [19659006] You must remember that when you entrust funds to funds, you must rely on deductions and management fees. While in the case of equity funds, it's the cost that the customer has to pay – especially for not investing in the stock market – compared to bonds, it's not so complicated that the fund must participate. Then the profits could be bigger.

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