200 Polish tourists are stranded at Varna airport. "We do not know anything"


Passengers from Poland were stranded yesterday at the airport in Varna, Bulgaria. The plane did not arrive and 200 tourists, including 40 children, camp at the airport. The tour operator was not in a situation. – We do not know anything – the passengers say

The plane had to leave Tuesday around 9:50 pm. However, the promised means of transport of the Czech Travel Service carrier was not on the track, and the passengers remained alone. The relationship of the participant who informed TVP Info shows that the main line of assistance of the travel agency has stopped receiving calls from confused holidaymakers and that the residents have refused to help.

– We do not know anything. There have been consultations with the travel agency ITAKA, but they wash their hands – said Krzysztof in an interview with polsatnews.pl, who found himself stuck at Varna airport .

– When the plane did not arrive at the scheduled time, it was reported that the departure was postponed until 1:00 pm It was finally postponed to 2 20. Then, the tickets were removed, we went through the doors and entered the bus. The plane was refueled at that time. After "two laps" around the machines, we were brought back to the terminal – polsatnews.pl, said Krzysztof Krzysztof.

At 5:16 am the plane flew from the airport but without passengers. Which – as Mr Krzysztof insures – received "only water" airport services.

According to the information we received from the ITAKA travel agency, the plight of travelers was affected by poor weather conditions that disrupted the air network.

– The delay in departing from Varna to Katowice is a consequence of Wroclaw's delay in Burgas, caused by poor weather conditions, which resulted in the aircraft being redirected to Varna. After improving the weather, the plane flew from Varna to Burgas. As a result, the grid of other flights of the machine was disrupted – informs Ewa Maruszak of the press office of the ITAKA travel agency.

Maruszak adds that the carrier provided accommodation to tourists who will be transported there. Customers of the travel agency must return to Poland today. The departure of the plane from Varna to Katowice is scheduled for 22:25 local time.

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. See also: Holidays in Bulgaria. That's all you should know about this subject

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