2018 World Cup. "Adam Nawałka himself did not give up". M 2018


Already on July 30, Hawaek will cease to be the coach of the Polish national team. The national team with good style has been presented for Euro 2016 and has completely disappointed the expectations of fans at the World Cup in Russia, where we have not even left the group. During a farewell press conference, Navanka said it was his sovereign decision. But Andrzej Iwan has a different opinion

– In my opinion, this is only the "official version for the press". The president and trainer came out with a similar message to the media, because Zbyszek seemed to think so much better that he could do a lot for Adam. Due to this, there was no suggestion that someone lost here and must suffer the consequences of losing a job. They are, after all, friends on the ground, and their relationships have grown stronger over the past five years. That's why they were loyal to each other in this difficult time, "said Ivan in an interview with" PS. "

Who will replace him? It's still unknown, but bookmakers have their own types.In their opinion, the favorite is Michał Probierz.But it seems that the chances are that it will be from abroad.You can read about potential candidates HERE

Boniek: "On my desk there there are already some resumes of trainers

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